

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Advisers need to practice what they preach

Advisers who continue to put off developing and implementing a succession plan are being shortsighted.


A dimmer future for equity returns

Financial advisers should consider all the evidence pointing toward lower equity returns, but be prudent in their approach to bonds.


Financial literacy must be a priority

In this election year, financial professionals should be beating the drum to make sure that financial literacy programs continue to receive funding support.


Don’t buy it

Reimplementing Glass-Steagall won't change Wall Street's single-minded pursuit of the almighty dollar.


<b>Editorial</b>: Heavier SEC fines unlikely to dent fraud

You can't fine someone unless you catch them. And most securities fraud goes undetected.


After big loss, D.C. shouldn’t cut to Chase

Lawmakers and regulators must resist the temptation to respond to JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s $2 billion trading loss…


Limiting damage from the Libor scam

Financial advisers have several responsibilities toward their clients as the investigations into possible rate-fixing continue


Beware of style drift in mutual funds

Too much style drift is a strong indication that a fund's manager, or managers, have veered away from a fund's stated investment objective.


A changing of the guard at InvestmentNews

When I became editor of InvestmentNews nine years ago, we had seven reporters and a handful of editors who produced a weekly print newspaper.


<b>Editorial:</b> Preparing clients for a low-return reality

Our nation's economic recovery stands pretty much where it started off six months ago: improving, but not fast enough.


<b>Editorial</b>: Adviser oversight bill needs overhaul

The solution being debated by lawmakers has significant flaws and shouldn't be supported.


Money funds ain’t broke, don’t need fixing

A bit of advice to SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro, who has made it abundantly clear that she intends to make further changes to regulations governing money market funds: Quit while you are ahead.


Real student debt problem is private

President Barack Obama and Congress should focus their efforts on helping students avoid predatory high-interest loans from private lenders.


Facebook lessons learned

The Facebook IPO flameout carries both healthy and unhealthy lessons for the investment community.


<b>Editorial:</b> Retirement income planning’s more complex now

If there is one lesson to be drawn from the recent InvestmentNews Retirement Income Summit, it is that…


Nontraded REITs need more regulation

GIVEN THE BARRAGE of negative publicity surrounding nontraded real estate investment trusts, broker-dealers and REIT sponsors have a…


The ‘Buffett rule’ is getting old

Enough already, with the Buffett rule. Once again, President Barack Obama is pushing the idea of imposing higher…


As safety net shrinks, medical costs will grow

Let’s face it— Congress will do nothing to address the nation’s financial problems this year before the elections,…


When the tax man cometh for our troops

In addition to worrying about terrorists and buried bombs, it turns out that about 60,000 active-duty troops and reservists have another fear-inducing group gunning for them: the Internal Revenue Service.