

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Show some moxie on client proxies

Financial advisers who vote proxies for their clients should pay close attention to the message sent recently by…


Changing the nation’s savings mindset

FOR AMERICANS OLD enough to remember when their parents had Christmas Club accounts at banks, and when elementary-school…


Women & investing: A note from the editor

There is no doubt that women investors represent a tremendous growth opportunity for financial advisers.


Mom’s adviser actually listened to her

My parents were married for 56 years, so when my dad passed away in 2006, it was no surprise that my mom suddenly found herself lost and alone.


CFP Board must not go soft on bankruptcy

GIVEN THAT IT PURPORTS in its mission statement to “benefit the public by granting the CFP certification and…


The dark side of JOBS

THE JUMPSTART Our Business Start- ups bill likely will jump-start additional responsibilities for investment advisers. That is because…


More than a wrist slap needed for insider traders

Raj Rajaratnam, the hedge fund tycoon convicted of conducting the world's biggest insider-trading scheme, faces sentencing Oct. 13


JOBS Act merits greater scrutiny

AS MUCH AS IT WARMS the cockles of our hearts to see House Republicans, Senate Democrats and President…


Editorial: A call for sunlight – with protections

PROVED TO BE TRUE time and again, Justice Louis Brandeis’ statement that “sunlight is the best disinfectant” has…


Setting a standard for financial literacy

PUTTING ASIDE THE IRONY of a debt-laden and spendthrift federal government's launching yet another initiative to raise Americans'…


High dividend taxes hurt the nation

President Barack Obama's proposed 2013 budget should be worrisome to all investors, especially those who rely on dividend-paying…


Fed’s low-interest-rate policy is a threat

Whether the Federal Reserve's plan to keep interest rates near zero for a protracted period of time will encourage the business sector to expand is open to debate.


Why longevity insurance is a good solution

For millions of Americans, the odds of living comfortably during retirement will be significantly improved by a newly…


SEC must go slow on money fund reform

A week after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said that prudent savers could expect no relief from…


Don’t change rules because of deadbeat brokers

While brokerage firms have every right to expect former brokers to honor the agreements they make when accepting recruiting and retention bonuses, Finra should resist pressure to rewrite its rules to make it easier for firms to collect unreturned bonuses.


A call for responsible social-media usage

BE WARNED: FINRA’S RECENT capitulation over proposed reporting requirements for social-media postings shouldn’t be interpreted as a sign…


One simple solution: Outside auditors

An idea worthy of serious consideration has emerged from the contentious battle over how investment advisers should be…


Congress, resolve to fix deficit and debt

There are many New Year's resolutions that would have been nice for our government to have made last week, but there was a vital one that should have been made — and kept.


Resolve to be a better adviser

WHILE MOST OF US ARE already well on our way to breaking our New Year’s resolutions to lose…


Resolve to be a better adviser

While most of us are already well on our way to breaking our New Year's resolutions to lose weight, exercise more or declutter our desks, here are some ideas for resolutions that financial advisers might want to consider — and stick to — for 2012.