

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Obama needs to restore optimism

WHEN ECONOMIES falter and markets plunge, when joblessness is pervasive and the whole world suddenly feels unhinged, Americans…


Proxy ruling a caution signal for SEC

The recent appellate court decision rejecting an SEC rule on proxy access for shareholders was a signal to the commission to slow down its rulemaking and take more care in measuring the costs versus the benefits of any new rule


It’s high time to adopt auto IRAs

More than ever, employees of small companies face the prospect of a bleak retirement


D.C. war has an unintended consequence

As the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act approaches its one-year anniversary, Washington's highly charged partisan response to the law may give rise to an unintended consequence: a brain drain at our financial regulators.


When is enough enough?

NOT CONTENT WITH providing outrageous perks such as free use of the corporate jet fleet for flights to…


Clients won’t care if you don’t

Surprise, surprise: 85% of full-service investment firms' clients have never heard of, nor do they understand, the difference between the suitability standard followed by brokers and the fiduciary standard followed by registered investment advisers, according to a J.D. Power & Associates survey


Time to put the kibosh on outrageous perks

How would you like to fly on a personal jet, belong to a fancy country club and have a personal trainer — all on someone else's dime?


Creating jobs should be Obama’s Job One

With our nation’s unemployment rate moving in the wrong direction, it is high time President Barack Obama stops…


Advisers must be flexible during debt limit impasse

THE IMPASSE IN WASHINGTON over the debt limit, and longer-term, over what to do about the federal deficit…


Insurance industry must get its act together

If it wants to avoid potentially onerous new regulations and a slew of negative headlines, the life insurance industry must band together immediately and establish universally accepted guidelines for identifying deceased policyholders and disbursing benefits to beneficiaries


Look beyond cloud’s silver lining

System failures in recent weeks involving such companies as Inc. and Sony Corp. have cast doubts on the security and reliability of cloud computing, and should put financial advisers on high alert


DOL should go slow on fiduciary update

In its zeal to improve protection of retirement plan participants from bad advice and conflicts of interest, the Department of Labor is proposing a rule change that, though well-intended, is too broad and may leave some participants more vulnerable than they already are


Fed fiddles while inflation starts to simmer

What do Ben S. Bernanke and his fellow Federal Reserve monetary policymakers not see?


Memo to Congress: It’s time for SEC to be self-funded

The time has come for Congress to cut the purse strings that have long impeded the SEC's ability to do its job


Urge investors to vote all their proxies

Thirty-five years ago, legendary management thinker Peter Drucker described a monumental change in business ownership in his book,…


Political leaders must face cold, hard truths

Whether it's breaking the news to a client that he's just been fleeced by his own brother or that because of his meager savings rate, he's going to have to work beyond 65, good financial advisers never skirt the hard truths


Time to give the real capital providers a break

The Federal Reserve Board's low-interest-rate policy has hurt retirees, which was anticipated by InvestmentNews in an editorial last year.


Pay attention to younger investors

Looking for the fountain of youth may be a fool’s errand, but courting youthful investors in need of…


It’s time to remind clients to vote their proxies

The peak of the corporate proxy season is at hand, and advisers should remind their stock-owning clients to vote their proxies


CFPB should not be undermined

Republican lawmakers should stand down in their efforts to delay and obstruct the shaping of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which if properly implemented will go down in history as the most significant and innovative change to come out of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law