

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Advisers will have their hands full with the reform law

The Dodd-Frank financial-reform bill has been signed into law by President Barack Obama, for better or worse.


Finra should err on the side of openness

THIS IS A TIME when greater openness is being demanded of the financial and business communities. The Dodd-Frank…


Poised on the brink, but of what?

The economy and stock market are sending mixed and confusing signals.


Time to rethink our national housing policy

Although lax home-lending standards weren't the sole reason for the credit collapse and economic downturn, they contributed mightily to our economic headaches.


It’s time to sound the alarm on the bond bubble

The capital markets continually set traps for the unwary, and it is financial advisers' responsibility to help their clients avoid them.


High-frequency trading merits close examination

The May 6 "flash crash" revealed an area of the financial markets that isn't touched by the financial-reform bills in Congress but nevertheless must be examined.


Advisers should sound off on 401(k) plan advice

Most 401(k) plan participants need investment advice.


Let market judge credibility of debt raters

The role and economics of credit-rating firms are among the most important issues to be addressed in any financial-reform legislation.


Emphasizing the financial ABCs

The most recent market decline has been painful for all investors and no doubt will lead consumers to question the vibrancy of the economic recovery. Ironically, those doubts are likely to result in restrained


Washington has found its scapegoat in Goldman 

The hearings last week by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations into The Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s behavior during the mortgage bubble was a show trial designed to deflect responsibility for the bubble and its aftermath from Washington.


Chart investment strategy now for 2011 tax changes

The months and weeks leading up to the end of the year could see more than the usual turmoil in the stock market as investors, guided by their financial planners and investment advisers, adjust their portfolios ahead of


Questioning the SEC’s case against Goldman Sachs

The Securities and Exchange Commission has taken a big gamble by going after The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Wall Street's premier investment bank has the will and legal firepower to fight back.


Let’s not kill the shadow banking system

Although the U.S. economy seems to be recovering, albeit slowly, the Obama administration, members of Congress and many economists worry that small businesses aren't recovering as quickly as large ones.


Ruling may benefit fund shareholders in the long run

The Supreme Court's unanimous decision in Jones v. Harris may seem to be a setback for mutual fund shareholders who think that the fees charged by many fund companies are too high.


One year later, full examination of crisis lacking

A year after the financial equivalent of Hurricane Katrina struck, damaging the world's economies, devastating the major capital markets and demolishing major financial institutions, it is worthwhile to examine


Health care reform brings challenges, opportunities for advisers

Investment advisers should be closely examining the sweeping bill to overhaul American health care to determine how it will affect their clients' investment strategies.


Boomers’ retirement offers opportunities, challenges

In four years, more than 4 million baby boomers annually will reach the normal retirement age for full Social Security benefits.


U.S. is on path to its own Greek tragedy

The crisis in Greece should serve as a warning to all Americans, especially our political and business leaders.


Consumers likely to pay for bank levy

The Obama administration has proposed a $90 billion to $100 billion levy over 10 years on large financial institutions, aimed at recovering the money that the government used to stave off financial disaster in late 2008 and early 2009.


Washington the biggest threat to economic recovery

Politicians of both parties are giving us lessons in how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.