

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Outrage, yes; tax law, no

The Obama administration and Congress should immediately halt any effort to assess a punitive tax on bonuses paid this year by companies that received bailout funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program.


SEC should modify plan to contact clients

The Securities and Exchange Commission's move to expand its examinations of advisory firms to include going directly to clients for verification of their assets managed by advisers raises legitimate concerns.


Advisers will triumph over disappointment

It isn't surprising that, as reported in InvestmentNews last week, many financial planners and advisers are feeling stressed and depressed.


Obama’s proposed budget poses challenges for advisers

President Obama's proposed budget for the 2010 fiscal year and projections for the next 10 years provide a clear road map for financial planners and investment advisers.


Nationalization should be last resort

President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner are resisting calls for the nationalization of Citigroup Inc. and perhaps other large banks.


Credit-rating system needs overhaul

Many aspects of the U.S. financial system must be reformed in the wake of the financial crisis.


It’s time to rescue the bank rescue plan

The equity market reacted to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's much-anticipated bank rescue plan last week with a resounding thud.


Pay cuts for Washington, too

The critics are right.


Will we make the same housing mistakes?

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., last week laid out an ambitious 2009 legislative program for his committee.


Choosing Geithner was a mistake

The nomination and confirmation of Timothy Geithner as Treasury secretary was a mistake that will weaken the U.S. income tax system.


Make regulation review a priority

Many commentators in recent weeks have said that one of President Obama's first priorities must be to restore public confidence.


Schapiro should first diagnose, then treat

On the surface, Mary L. Schapiro has all the credentials to be an outstanding chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as she has unparalleled experience as a securities regulator.


‘Slugflation’ may lie ahead

The bear market and recession that began late in 2007 are perhaps barely half over, but it isn't too soon for financial planners and investment advisers to begin preparing clients for the aftermath of government efforts to halt the crisis.


The lessons of Bernie

The Madoff Ponzi scheme has shocked investors but offers many lessons. The first is that no one can rely on the Securities and Exchange Commission to spot all, or even most, of the bad guys in the financial system before they hurt people.


A year of painful lessons

Investors will be glad to see the end of 2008 — a year that may live in infamy as one that was marked by the worst investment returns since the Great Depression.


Obama must look to private sector for economic team

Where are the advocates for businesspeople and investors in President-elect Barack Obama's incoming administration?


Regulatory reforms needed to fix financial system

The incoming administration should consider the regulatory reforms for the financial markets that it will propose to Congress and the regulatory agencies when it takes office in January.


Next up for feds, tonic for hurting homeowners

Job no. 1 for the Federal Reserve Board and the Department of the Treasury was to stabilize the capital markets.


SEC takes a step backward on disclosure

In a move that has received scant public attention, the SEC this month put into place changes that could harm investors.


Obama must first fix a struggling economy

President-elect Barack Obama deserves congratulations — and a warning to be careful what you wish for in this life.