

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


A call to embrace tougher standards

Hedge funds may complain, but the Securities and Exchange Commission is on the right track in considering whether…


SEC dragging its heels on point-of-sale rule

The mission of the Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, and maintain fair, orderly and efficient…


The SEC’s allegiance is put in doubt

The Securities and Exchange Commission has taken two steps that cast doubt upon whose side it’s on: individual…


Advisers best defense against misuse of ETFs

Exchange traded funds have boomed in the past few years. Last year, the number of ETFs climbed to…


SEC’s latest proposal makes no sense

The Securities and Exchange Commission continues to forge ahead in its quest to wrap some kind of regulatory lasso around the $1.2 trillion hedge fund industry. Why it is doing so isn’t entirely clear.


Home Depot makes the right moves

Corporate America received a dose of common sense when The Home Depot Inc. said that its new chief executive, Frank Blake, would be paid a fraction of what his predecessor was taking home.


Monday Morning: Independent research is no oxymoron

By now you probably know all about the shell game that many Wall Street analysts have been accused of playing with "buy," "hold" and "sell" ratings.


Monday Morning: Advisers fell short after towers toppled

The world turned upside down when the twin towers at the World Trade Center fell Sept. 11. But for the vast majority of individuals who call themselves financial advisers, the calamity wasn't enough of a motivation to telephone their clients.


Monday Morning: Balmy Boca carries message of renewal

Reflections from the the Securities Industry Association annual meeting.


Monday Morning: Here’s a blast from the past – dividends

Another look at stock dividends.


The power to make a difference

Power is like pornography; you can’t define it, but you know it when you see it. Or at…


The tax cut: Much ado about nothing?

The Bush administration has been working overtime to convince the public and lawmakers on Capitol Hill that its $1.6 trillion tax cut will help spur the flagging economy.


MONDAY MORNING: Hope that tech souffle doesn’t fall

Has anyone figured out the Nasdaq yet? Shares of technology companies soared last week, setting records for three…