

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

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PE investments are good for RIAs. What about clients?

The influx of PE money is a huge vote of confidence for the health and future of the RIA business model, but some industry observers have voiced concerns.


Adapting advisers’ marketing to a new era

New regulations and the changing technological and media landscape raise many vexing and interrelated questions for advisers, their firms and the investing public.


Let’s innovate by reaching clients via mobile apps

Technology is often one of the most noticeable areas in need of support — especially when compared to other retail or consumer channels, and specifically in terms of mobile apps.


Welcoming the return of industry conferences

Betting that conditions will improve and restrictions be lessened in coming months, a sprinkling of fintech companies and others in and around the financial advice business have announced a resumption of live conferences to be held later in the year.


No excuse not to find missing plan participants

The Labor Department has stepped up its audits of plans that have lost track of participants, and noted last month that in 2020 alone, investigators had helped reunite missing participants with plan benefits “with a present value in excess of $1.4 billion.”


Regulators must address savers’ cognitive decline

Today, unfortunately, cases of cognitive decline are prevalent, and the informal and below-the-radar approaches that addressed the issue in the past are inadequate to meet the current challenge.


A resolution to cover the topics advisers value most

We resolve to increase the breadth of topics we bring to our adviser audience because we know clients are expecting and needing more right now.


Investing depends upon a stable government

Clients look to advisers for stability — especially when everything we thought as a nation about our republic was thrown into question in just a few short hours


Advisers must examine college savings strategies to get clients to their goals

Schooling remains crucial for career prospects, but with tuition sky high many parents are questioning college savings and the value of an education


End the confusing muddle of advice standards

Establishing an easily understood rule for advisers shouldn't be this difficult


Congress must set aside differences and put savers first

Legislation that helps people build their nest eggs is more necessary than ever, given the retirement savings of U.S. workers are still far from where they should be


DOL’s ESG rule an instance of America’s divide

It appears unlikely a Biden administration would be able to overturn the rule


Advisers can’t always rely on market performance

Volatility is quickly becoming a way of life post-pandemic, and the rally of the past decade may be giving way to a new era of market turbulence


Lessons from the financial experts

For advisers and their client, there is no one best way to invest


Planning for uncertainty around Social Security

The shutdown caused by the pandemic threw millions of people out of work, which cut into the FICA payroll taxes that fund Social Security payments


Mapping a momentous shift in adviser geography

With technology allowing advisers to serve clients from almost anywhere, what’s stopping them from relocating their whole operation to greener pastures?


Shining stars who find the time to help others

Philanthropy delivers multiple benefits, but one of the most important is connecting with people uniquely


The SEC’s adoption of e-delivery is well overdue

The commission must consider carefully the interests and needs of all investors


We’ve come a long way, but still not far enough

Honoring and celebrating diversity and inclusion in the advice industry is paramount — now more than ever


From new normal to new paradigm

How half a year of quarantine has affected the financial services industry