

The Editorial Board presents views and opinions on key issues facing the financial advice industry.

Displaying 913 results


Talking politics on Twitter? Proceed with caution

It’s not just about the potential for losing prospective business, but how political viewpoints can impact the adviser-client relationship


Advisers can shine a light on the darkness of 2020

Financial advisers are ideally situated to help clients talk through the unforeseen challenges a global pandemic brings


Face-to-face fades away

The shift to virtual may have been messy, but new ways of working and communicating have become the norm


DOL’S ESG proposal would hurt retirement accounts

The proposal fails to account for evidence that long-term investors, like retirees, are likely to earn better returns


‘Lost and found’ 401(k) bill is good for the advice industry

While not exactly novel, the legislation is a sound first step toward getting Main Street investors the tools they need


The upside of uncertainty

Delivering advice that has little directly to do with market performance has proven to be effective


Opening defined-contribution plans to private equity is a mistake

U.S. regulators dropped the ball in a recent letter clarifying that regulations do not prohibit the use of private equity funds in 401(k) plans


Small broker-dealers are facing a dilemma

B-Ds must ask themselves whether they’re in the advice or the sales business


RIAs taking PPP loans is not so black and white

Some in the industry are questioning whether it's appropriate for advisers to accept these forgivable loans


Upholding the spirit of new legislation

Lawmakers have stepped in to provide relief to millions of Americans, but the laws come with unforeseen loopholes


Tech spending on digital marketing is just the first step

Firms that find the most success are those that have engaged and nurtured a community for years


Finding your higher calling in a crisis

It’s time for advisers to lend a hand to those who are faring less well


Take care of yourself so you can better care for your clients

Advisers contend with the very same financial and emotional strains amid the historic economic downturn


To succeed tomorrow, build a new workplace today

Prepare a workplace that permits employees to succeed under any circumstance


More must be done to bolster Americans’ retirement savings

Tens of millions of people who just lost their jobs may need to tap into their 401(k) accounts to make ends meet


Deadly virus shows advisers need their own backup plan

When a partner in an advisory firm dies without a plan, it can wreak havoc on the business for years to come


Current crisis could damage retirement security in long run

Markets and the economy seem to be conspiring to shrink nest eggs


The time is now for advisers to demonstrate their value to clients

Millennials were unprepared when the bottom dropped out in 2009 and they need advisers’ help today


Now’s the time for advisers to think globally, but act locally

XY Planning network organized a pro bono effort to help those struggling as a result of COVID-19.


The questions advisers need to ask in bear markets

A market downturn, even one that may turn steep, doesn’t change what investors want from their advisers