
On Advice

Senior columnist Bruce Kelly provides a behind-the-scenes look at firms, personalities and happenings in the financial advice industry.

Displaying 189 results


Are easy days of RIA financing a thing of the past?

Financial advisors may be dragged through the muck when financing goes wrong.


Blackstone REIT in media cross hairs over valuation

Sketchy math dogs private market investments sold to retail investors.


How much do wirehouse advisors hate selling for the bank?

Financial advisors simply can't stand conflicts that mix banking and financial advice.


With great growth comes great conflicts for RIAs

Where Wall Street goes, trouble is sure to follow.


Giant conflicts alleged involving a former advisor

'I worked my whole life trying to save for now, and I can't retire,' says Galia Meiri, one of the advisor's clients.


Lincoln deal caps year of change at Osaic

But what will the ultimate asking price for Osaic be as the firm moves toward an IPO?


‘Ponzi-like’ private placement mess GPB slides into receivership

GPB's founder was an accountant who couldn't do the firm's accounting.


GWG bond debacle reveals limits in investor protection

Titan Securities is already among the departed. It's not footing the bill for its own funeral.


Former Merrill star manager Oden jumps to HSBC

But big banks can fall flat when it comes to building a home for financial advisors.


Cetera deal for Avantax shows boom continues for wealth management assets

The price tag Cetera paid for Avantax was 180% of its revenues last year, an unthinkable sum for a broker-dealer just a few years ago.


What kind of relationship do you and your acquirer have?

What's becoming evident is how tricky it is for wealth management firms to make the right match.


Lingering pain for clients of defunct broker-dealer

The egregious case of Jamie Worden and the continuing issue of unpaid arbitration awards.


Advisors, be careful what you wish for with interest rates

'When an advisor or client stretches for yield, that’s when they can get hit,' one financial advisor notes.


Can Goldman Sachs and Citigroup catch up on hiring advisors?

Both banks have recently signaled their interest in bolstering their wealth management operations, but they can't snap their fingers and conjure financial advisors from thin air.


Cetera goes more RIA-ish by hiring Durbin from Fidelity

It's in the best interest of Cetera's owner, Genstar Capital, to make the broker-dealer network look as much like a registered investment advisor as possible.


Here’s why the real estate market is too shaky even for spiffed-up REITs

At least one critic of the newfangled REITs is not convinced they can weather the storm in commercial real estate.


Advisor Group to rebrand — more to follow

It's all part of the push by the private equity-owned network of independent broker-dealers toward an initial public offering.


Regulators make noise, and advisors lose jobs

Financial advisors should pay attention to regulators' concerns, since it's often advisors or firm executives who don't follow industry rules to the letter who may be discharged.


IBDs used to keep their hands off clients. Not anymore

Giant financial services companies are starting 2023 with more moves to control and own the assets of financial advisors, rather than servicing them for a modest fee.


George Santos, Wall Street and Washington

Since the credit crisis, investment frauds have proliferated in ways most Wall Street executives and financial advisors in 2008 never would have foreseen.