
On Advice

Senior columnist Bruce Kelly provides a behind-the-scenes look at firms, personalities and happenings in the financial advice industry.

Displaying 189 results


At LPL Financial, advisory assets are far sweeter than brokerage

An LPL presentation on the return on various types of assets shows the age of advisory assets and fees has arrived in the broad financial advice industry.


Nontraded REIT math is still bedeviling

This market is triggering some tricky math for nontraded REITs, and it's the bean counting behind proration that could prove tormenting.


Bad old habits die hard for nontraded REITs like Lightstone Group

The Lightstone REITs are asking shareholders to strip away their own rights without any clear plan to liquidity or upside, critics say.


Amid 2022 slowdown, RIA and tech SPAC deals sputter

The promise of cold, hard cash tends to speed up time but how does that work in a bear market?


Women take the lead at Advisor Group

The imperative for having more women in charge of brokerage and advisory firms is pretty clear — in the future women will control more of the nation's wealth.


B-D advisers had a soft landing in the first half, despite bear market

The S&P 500 was down almost 21% over the first six months of the year, but financial advisers at big firms didn't crash and burn.


Link to RIAs is most compelling angle of the KWAC SPAC deal

Broker-dealer aggregator Wentworth's deal to go public via SPAC Kingswood Acquisition Corp. raises a number of questions.


Wells Fargo used fake job interviews to promote diversity: Report

The job interviews seemed designed to bolster Wells Fargo's record of its diversity efforts rather than actually hiring women or people of color, the New York Times reported.


Broker picked wrong time to boost bet on GWG bonds

Broker-dealers kept selling GWG's life settlement-backed bonds for years despite all the accounting and reporting static coming from the company.


Will 2022 see an RIA white whale — a mega mega-deal?

When will one of the 40 or so large strategic buyers of registered investment advisory firms emerge from the depths to swim with another?


Silence is not golden for GWG bondholders

When asked whether GWG's L Bonds were in default, a company spokesperson declines to comment.


The advice industry went to Fat City in 2021

Despite last year’s riot at the Capitol and a variety of lethal Covid-19 variants, the broad stock market roared, which is always good news for financial advisers and their firms.


Wall Street’s latest to hook independent advisers? Alternatives

Up until recently, major global firms had happily ignored independent advisers for decades.


Big questions out there for Advisor Group

Advisor Group last week lost a star financial adviser, Kevin Myeroff. That's always a delicate time for a broker-dealer network.


With the rise of RIAs, recruiters must change their game

Recruiting is no longer a straight-up proposition, such as moving a wirehouse adviser from Merrill Lynch to UBS, or vice versa.


Diversity in financial advice: Recruiting priority or PR play?

Press releases touting recent hires fall short in the effort to make the financial advice industry more diverse.


Wirehouse CEOs muse about RIAs and competition

James Gorman of Morgan Stanley and Charlie Scharf of Wells Fargo both took time during their earnings conference calls to share some thoughts about their RIA competitors.


The demise of Worden Capital signals danger for investors and harm to the industry

Unpaid arbitration awards have been a consistent stain on the retail securities industry. Brokers have been walking away from paying investors for years.


Break up Wells Fargo? OK, but what are its advisers worth?

Wells Fargo Advisors could fetch more than $20 billion in this high-demand market for wealth management firms.


American Century rigs hiring at its employees’ expense

I thought we were all supposed to be free-wheeling capitalists in the financial advice industry — unless you recently worked for mutual fund giant American Century Companies and at least one of its local competitors.