
On Retirement

Contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin breaks down Social Security, health care and other important retirement strategies financial advisers need to understand to take care of their clients.

Displaying 406 results


Social Security Administration evaluates online claiming tools

Report explains why various calculators produce different results


Help your clients make retirement sweeter

By paying for things they absolutely need with income sources that won't run out, clients can enjoy the best treat of all: peace of mind in retirement.


Big gap between Social Security cost-of-living adjustment and retiree inflation

Miniscule benefit hike won't protect seniors' buying power.


Social Security cost-of-living adjustment expected to be lowest ever

Small increase will create a Medicare nightmare as premium hikes will vary.


Social Security timing can affect Medicare premiums

Should you claim Social Security now to avoid a Medicare premium hike?


How Social Security benefits are calculated

Estimated benefits assume continued earnings through full retirement age.


Why consistency adds value in retirement investing

As many advisors have come to know through experience, a consistent and long-term approach to investing may help…


Gray divorce on the rise with longevity trend

The prospect of living unhappily ever after in a retirement that can last 20 or 30 years or more is one reason behind the growing incidence of divorce among spouses age 50 and older.


Social Security and dying too soon

Beneficiaries may have to wait years to collect benefits; some never do.


New privacy protections make it more complicated to check Social Security online

Online users now require cell phone for text message verification.


Solving the mystery of unexpectedly reduced Social Security benefits

It turns out that the explanation, which advisers need to watch out for, was rather simple.


How to correct Social Security earnings records

Mistakes in reported earnings can reduce future benefits.


Debt dims boomers’ retirement prospects

New study shows ongoing bills impede savings and boost baby boomers' retirement income needs.


This simple retirement spending strategy takes on the 4% rule

Divide your age by 20 to ensure you won't outlive your savings.


Time to talk about financial wellness

Financial wellness is one of the hottest topics in the retirement industry today and at top of mind for many plan sponsors.


Health care costs squeeze retirement savings

Workers and retirees worry about how to pay for current and future care.


Longevity can be an asset in retirement

Unprecedented surge in older Americans could be a boon to charities, nonprofits.


When Social Security is a family affair

Claiming benefits early may make sense when kids are involved.


Why the Social Security file-and-suspend strategy isn’t for everyone

Just because you are eligible, doesn't mean this claiming strategy is right for you.


For survivor benefits, timing is everything under new Social Security rules

The Social Security Administration's file-and-suspend guidance injects some confusion regarding the choice between survivor and retirement benefits.