
On Retirement

Contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin breaks down Social Security, health care and other important retirement strategies financial advisers need to understand to take care of their clients.

Displaying 406 results


Income spike can reduce Social Security benefits

Blame the temporary reduction on higher Medicare premiums.


401(k) challenge: Plugging plan leakage when workers change jobs

Improved 401(k) plan features have proven successful, but a big challenge remains: how to plug the leakage in plan assets when workers switch jobs.


Social Security rules for divorced public employees

Benefit reductions apply only to workers who did not pay FICA taxes.


Solutions to key challenges of modern retirement

The brief golden age of retirement is over, but investing legend Charles Ellis outlines solutions to a potential crisis.


Discover your own freedom threshold in retirement

Downsizing is a myth, one study finds: A third of retirees bought bigger houses.


The watershed moment for lifetime income

Making lifetime income options more readily available will help enhance retirement security, according to IRI's Cathy Weatherford.


A recipe for future retirement security

Early financial literacy training is key.


How cost-of-living adjustments change Social Security benefits this year

Retiree benefits increase and so do taxes for high-income workers.


No double dipping on Social Security claiming

Each spouse gets one, but couples can exercise a combo strategy.


How Social Security annual increases are calculated

COLA formula was established by law in 1972.


3 risk-related reasons to put off claiming Social Security

The choice of when and how to claim Social Security benefits can affect the three biggest financial risks that retirees encounter.


The $150,000 retirement decision

Only 5% of retirees claim past 67. But taking your Social Security benefits later can offset threats of longevity, inflation, markets downturns.


Dispatch from the retirement front

InvestmentNews contributing editor gives an update on how life has changed since her husband retired.


Lump sum or monthly pension? How I made my decision

The question is one advisers are likely to hear more often. The answer depends on a person's financial needs, life expectancy and access to other assets.


How to get Millennials on track for retirement

Crushing debts could make long-term savings goals a hard sell.


Social Security delay? The numbers don’t lie

Financial advisers often ask me how they can persuade their clients to delay collecting Social Security benefits.


How long must clients be married to collect Social Security on each other? It depends

Rules differ for those currently married, widows/widowers and the divorced


SSA starts paying benefits to married gay couples, but questions remain

Social Security encourages people to apply for spousal benefits even with uncertainties.


Age gap can thwart couples’ Social Security-claiming strategies

Financial advisers may need to consider other income options.


File and suspend won’t be suspended … just yet

Obama budget proposal seems to target some Social Securities claiming strategies but this popular one is safe - for now.