
On Retirement

Contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin breaks down Social Security, health care and other important retirement strategies financial advisers need to understand to take care of their clients.

Displaying 406 results


Protecting retirement assets from rising taxes

President Obama intends to raise income taxes on the rich, and since earned income is the source of…


It’s prudent not to count on Medicare and Social Security benefits in retirement planning

Two of the primary pillars of retirement security are not just on the ropes, but actually on life support.


Diversity is still king for portfolio protection

Safety and security for retired investors have been overrated, and we need to think differently about these concepts and about diversification.


Keeping clients on track for retirement

For millions of Americans and their advisers, the shrinking value of retirement accounts is the $4 trillion elephant…


Now may be the time to buy that vacation home

Is it time for your retired clients to buy that vacation home they have always wanted? While…


Memo to SEC, DOL: Regulate target date funds — now

With some $2.4 trillion sucked out of retirement accounts since early last year, lawmakers have predictably made the…


Markets offer younger investors a great opportunity

While this bear market may be a real threat to the retirement security of baby boomers, Generations X…


‘Reset’ Social Security and collect more

Consider recommending a little-known option: pushing the reset button on Social Security. This monthly benefit can be increased…


Should you dump mutual funds in favor of ETFs?

While it’s not wise to change your entire mutual fund investment strategy based on recent performance, it may…


Advantages of delaying an application for Social Security

The conventional wisdom is that Social Security benefits are insignificant to anyone who can afford a financial planner,…


A big bear market strategy for retirees

Could the markets really get worse? For retired investors, it’s important to analyze not only where the markets…


Invalid Keogh is a tax trap

The Internal Revenue Service believes tens of thousands of small-business owners and sole proprietors may have invalid Keogh…


What investors can learn from Wall Street’s failures

Here are three important portfolio survival lessons retired investors and their advisers can learn from Wall Street’s failures.


What investors can learn from Wall Street’s failures

What do Wall Street investment banks and retired investors have in common? They both must live off the return on their capital.


Trust wording can avoid big tax bill

Even when it’s done correctly, naming a trust as an IRA beneficiary can create more tax headaches than…


Retirees need a two-pronged strategy to cover health care costs

While many retirees worry about the risks the financial markets pose to their lifestyle, the biggest long-term risk…


Act now on 529 plans

Extremely wealthy clients may see the current stock and real estate markets as a great estate-planning opportunity to…


IRA beneficiary designation can be a trap

Advise clients that the choices they make on their beneficiary forms are more important than they might imagine.


Roth conversion may not make sense for many retirees

While many people have been touting the benefits of Roth IRA conversions, the odds are, many retired investors…


When cashing out of an annuity makes sense

Sometimes cashing out of an annuity can make more sense than doing a tax-free transfer into a new…