
On Retirement

Contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin breaks down Social Security, health care and other important retirement strategies financial advisers need to understand to take care of their clients.

Displaying 406 results


Pre-retirement checklist is an essential planning tool

Checklists are essential risk management tools in many different fields, including retirement planning. Before pilots take off…


A 1035 annuity exchange may look good, but only on paper

When advisers consider whether a client should exchange his annuity for a new model, one of the easiest…


Delusional distribution strategies

A recent survey by the Westport, Conn.-based MetLife Mature Market Institute indicated that 43% of baby boomers believed…


1035 exchanges of annuities appealing but challenging

Are you trying to figure out whether or not it makes sense for your client to do a…


Master limited partnerships: The income is worth the effort

Master limited partnerships offer good income opportunities for retirees. From a tax standpoint, however, the MLP structure…


Proper structuring of beneficiary designations on TOD accounts avoids unintended consequences

Smart advisers don’t rely on a client’s memory about beneficiary designations; they ask to see paperwork, and not…


Protect your clients by getting to know their children

Establishing a working relationship with your clients’ children is often in the clients’ best interest as they move…


Ignoring Medicare enrollment rules can cost your client plenty

Every adviser with clients who are nearing retirement should start talking to them at least six months before…


Six tax-lowering ideas for retirement income portfolios

Because the odds of retirement income portfolio survival can be influenced by small changes in distribution rates, reducing…


Holding a client’s hand in a bear market

In a tough market, experienced advisers don’t wait to hear from their anxious clients; they reach out first.


How to avoid a costly IRA beneficiary designation mistake

With more clients expressing an interest in using trusts as individual retirement account beneficiaries, it is important for…


Investors are often mistaken about which strategies make a portfolio last

Most people have a basic misconception about how to invest after they retire, thinking that a conservative portfolio…


Help Retirees Combat Inflation

With inflation expectations on the rise, now is a good time to consider what strategies you might implement…


Hunting for Health Insurance in Early Retirement No Easy Task

There’s no greater challenge for an early retiree and their adviser than hunting for health insurance to tide…


Retirement Income Management Is Different

Retirement income management requires advisers and clients to adopt a different investment strategy, because the strategies that helped…


Defined Benefit Plans Can Boost Retirement Savings of Self-employed

The old-fashioned defined benefit plan may be vanishing from big companies, but it has found a new home…


Retirement-Income Storm Warnings

When retired clients face a declining stock market and rising inflation, advisers need to go on high alert.


In Roth IRA Conversions Timing Is Everything

If the timing is right, there’s a compelling case for converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, even though Roth conversions are a tough sell.


Roth vs. Traditional 401(k): Some of Both May Be Best

The debate about whether the Roth or traditional 401(k) provides the biggest tax savings is not always black…


Little-publicized NUA election is taxpayer-friendly, in some cases

There are good reasons to move most of a client’s 401(k) assets into an IRA when they leave…