

Displaying 4320 results


Should you dump mutual funds in favor of ETFs?

While it’s not wise to change your entire mutual fund investment strategy based on recent performance, it may…


It’s time to rescue the bank rescue plan

The equity market reacted to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's much-anticipated bank rescue plan last week with a resounding thud.


Don’t dance around principles

I want to offer four reasons why the Department of Labor should rescind a class exemption that would…


It’s a trader’s market for ETFs, but exercise caution

What’s an adviser to do when his or her clients can’t even look at their 401(k) statements because…


Advantages of delaying an application for Social Security

The conventional wisdom is that Social Security benefits are insignificant to anyone who can afford a financial planner,…


Pay cuts for Washington, too

The critics are right.


Broadening our – and your – horizons

As financial advisers are aware from their own businesses, success never comes to those who stand still.


Will we make the same housing mistakes?

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., last week laid out an ambitious 2009 legislative program for his committee.


Choosing Geithner was a mistake

The nomination and confirmation of Timothy Geithner as Treasury secretary was a mistake that will weaken the U.S. income tax system.


Distribution holiday has its complications

No required minimum distributions for 2009


Make regulation review a priority

Many commentators in recent weeks have said that one of President Obama's first priorities must be to restore public confidence.


A big bear market strategy for retirees

Could the markets really get worse? For retired investors, it’s important to analyze not only where the markets…


Schapiro should first diagnose, then treat

On the surface, Mary L. Schapiro has all the credentials to be an outstanding chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as she has unparalleled experience as a securities regulator.


What we can learn from Madoff

Bernard Madoff was able to pull off what is allegedly the largest investor fraud in history because people trusted him.


‘Slugflation’ may lie ahead

The bear market and recession that began late in 2007 are perhaps barely half over, but it isn't too soon for financial planners and investment advisers to begin preparing clients for the aftermath of government efforts to halt the crisis.


Wash sales and index investing

Wash sale rules prohibit an investor from recognizing a loss for tax purposes if securities are sold and "substantially identical" securities are purchased within 31 days.


Invalid Keogh is a tax trap

The Internal Revenue Service believes tens of thousands of small-business owners and sole proprietors may have invalid Keogh…


What investors can learn from Wall Street’s failures

Here are three important portfolio survival lessons retired investors and their advisers can learn from Wall Street’s failures.


Changes in estate planning

The New Year brings major changes in many estate plans. Not only has there been the biggest year-to-year…


The lessons of Bernie

The Madoff Ponzi scheme has shocked investors but offers many lessons. The first is that no one can rely on the Securities and Exchange Commission to spot all, or even most, of the bad guys in the financial system before they hurt people.