

Displaying 4320 results


Why pick on exchange traded notes?

The time is drawing near for comments requested by the Department of the Treasury regarding changing the taxation of exchange traded notes and other prepaid forward contracts.


Holding a client’s hand in a bear market

In a tough market, experienced advisers don’t wait to hear from their anxious clients; they reach out first.


Stretch IRA saved by IRS ruling

Financial advisers should be aware of a new IRS ruling that recently saved the day for an IRA beneficiary and may help your clients.


Scared boomers may save for retirement

If there is a silver lining to the bursting of the real estate bubble, the weak economy and the attendant bear market, it may be that the great mass of baby boomers still 10 or more years from retirement might be scared into saving more for retirement while they still have time.


Educate clients on new socially conscious offerings

Tools designed to help investors avoid investments in countries that sponsor terrorism or genocide, or that violate the human rights of their citizens, are the latest offerings from financial services firms.


How to avoid a costly IRA beneficiary designation mistake

With more clients expressing an interest in using trusts as individual retirement account beneficiaries, it is important for…


Shareholders look to keep heat on executive pay

This year's proxy season could be a pivotal one in the battle for improved corporate governance.


Paulson’s plan forgot the investors

On March 31, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson released the Treasury's "Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure."


How fees can trigger stealth taxes

Since the tax laws are so complex, and often inconsistent, it's no wonder that the tax treatment of investment management fees varies widely.


Reform should focus on country’s needs

Judging by the heated reaction of members of Congress, Wall Street, the insurance industry, the savings-and-loan and regional-bank industries, etc., Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's plan to revamp the nation's financial regulation is pretty good.


Investors are often mistaken about which strategies make a portfolio last

Most people have a basic misconception about how to invest after they retire, thinking that a conservative portfolio…


Updating the regulatory system

Judging by the thundering impact of the housing collapse, something is wrong with financial regulation.


New rules permit plan balance shift

Providing guidance on the provision of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 that now allows a plan participant to convert a plan balance directly to a Roth IRA, the Internal Revenue Service has issued a set of new rules (Notice 2008-30).


When physicians are your target

Despite the challenges faced by today's physicians — the soaring cost of malpractice insurance and declining insurance reimbursements are just two — doctors remain one of financial advisers' most sought-after niches


The artful dance of liquidity

Not that we needed much confirmation, but the Federal Reserve Board's actions last week confirmed the seriousness of the financial crisis that was triggered by the bursting of the housing bubble.


Help Retirees Combat Inflation

With inflation expectations on the rise, now is a good time to consider what strategies you might implement…


DOL proposes full disclosure plan

Ambrose Bierce, the famous American journalist, defined the word "oath" as a "solemn appeal to the deity, made binding upon the conscience by a penalty for perjury."


This baby isn’t Babar

In this election year, no one is discussing the elephant-in-the-room problem that is devouring an ever-larger share of the nation's federal budget — Medicare.


Drawing down retirement money

Over the past six months, I have done extensive research on the best ways to draw down assets to create retirement income, including looking at the effect of taxes on that process.


Tax reform needs top-to-bottom analysis

Two tax reform issues are likely to collide over the coming months, and the fallout could be painful for high-income taxpayers.