
Partner Content

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Securities-Based Lending Remains an Attractive Option for Investment Clients

For well-qualified borrowers, a securities-based line of credit from a financial institution is an excellent option for accessing cash while preserving their investment strategy.


Sustainable Investing Brief: The anti-ESG movement

The backlash isn’t likely to limit sustainable investing’s future. Here’s why.


New Year, Same Challenge: The Search for Income Continues

With rates well below historical norms, finding income remains a key challenge for advisors. Here’s why non-commissioned annuities may be the solution.


What’s the Best Way to Maximize the Tax Benefits of Charitable Giving?

Is it better to donate cash or stock to charity? Learn about the after-tax benefits of both methods of charitable giving—plus a third option you may not have heard of before.


Fixed Income Opportunities Emerge in an Uncertain Environment

Rising inflation is driving interest rates higher, which makes finding yield an interesting pursuit. Find out where to look and what to consider.


Target Date Funds Get Active: A Look at the Innovation Behind BlackRock’s LifePath® Dynamic Strategy

BlackRock’s LifePath Dynamic Strategy is bringing the firm’s active and passive management expertise to bear in an innovative approach to target date fund investing.


In Today’s Market Backdrop, Certain Annuity Products Deserve a Closer Look

Annuities have evolved considerably over the past decade. New iterations may be uniquely suited for today’s market challenges.


3 Secrets to Sustaining Growth, Revealed by Top-Performing Advisory Firms

Despite 2020’s multi-faceted disruption, many advisory firms managed to deliver strong revenue growth and profitability. However, a select group of firms significantly outperformed peers in these areas and others – by driving three key strategies.


Tax Management and Tracking Error: You Can’t Have One Without the Other

Investors may bristle at the mere mention of tracking error—but that’s what helps them keep more of their money while maximizing their after-tax returns.


5 important Social Security issues for women

Discover 5 of the most common misconceptions your female clients may have about Social Security and how you can help them maximize their benefits as part of an overall retirement strategy.


What financial advisors and their firms don’t understand about digital marketing

How can advisors and financial firms improve their marketing? Digital marketing expert and Clout CEO Niharika Shah explains why the solution lies in personalizing relationships.


Four questions for reps weighing an RIA move

Considering a move to the registered investment advisor channel? Whether you’re a wirehouse adviser or affiliated with a BD, here are four key questions to ask yourself.


It’s time to rev up broker-dealer enterprise technology

B-D tech expert Darren Tedesco discusses how B-Ds can reconstitute their technology stacks to drive growth and efficiency gains.


Is custody commoditized? The #3 custodian says yes

What should you consider when you are considering a custodian? Whether you are an existing RIA or a registered rep looking to make a move, LPL senior vice president Steve Earner has some useful tips.


3 Questions to Ask to Power Up Your People Strategy

In 2020, many firms chose a steady-as-she-goes approach to compensation and staffing levels – but may face a major retention challenge as the “great resignation” wave engulfs America.


The New Age of RIA Marketing

A look at the evolving marketing landscape, and the five trends advisory firms must command to optimize growth in the next decade.


Making sense of the RILA revolution

Registered index-linked Annuities (RILAs) are the next logical step in the evolution of our industry. Explore how this relatively new annuity product could help meet the demands of your clients.


Helping ESG investors avoid greenwashing

Parametric ESG expert Gwen Le Berre explains how advisers can protect clients from companies that exaggerate — or even lie about — their environmental, social and governance efforts.


Advisory Back Offices: The Next Efficiency Frontier

The time is right to focus on back-office efficiency. Docupace’s Ryan George explains why the payoff in efficiency, better customer service and reduced costs can so rewarding.


Automating Process: The Key to Efficiency and Value Creation

Glamorous it’s not. But Docupace’s Ryan George explains why the route to greater firm efficiency, more satisfied clients and more productive advisors lies in automating back-office processes.