
Regulation And Legislation

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Behind-the-scenes battle raging in Congress over fiduciary amendment

As the Senate this week wades through scores of amendments to legislation on financial regulatory reform, lobbyists are going toe-to-toe over applying a fiduciary standard.


Regulators OK plan to police banks’ pay policies

The regulators won't actually set compensation. Instead, they would review — and could veto — pay policies that could cause too much risk-taking by executives, traders or loan officers.


Next hotbed for securities fraud cases? You’d be surprised

U.S. prosecutors in Virginia plan to step up pursuit of financial fraud cases, taking advantage of a court holding two years ago that their district has jurisdiction over crimes linked to federal securities filings


Shut-down brokerage committed fraud: Finra

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. says that a brokerage firm that recently shut down committed securities fraud.


Fiduciary add-ons to reform bill in flux

An amendment floated last week by Sens. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., and Ted Kaufman, D-Del., that would impose criminal penalties on broker-dealers for violating fiduciary standards is giving the senators a way to vent frustration with Wall Street.


‘Significant fight’ brewing over fiduciary amendments

Arlen Specter's call for criminal penalties is sure to draw fire from Republicans on the hill and lobbyists in the Senate reception room


Judge slams ex-Merrill broker’s proposed plea deal

The former Maxim Group broker allegedly lied to Merrill about his book of business, then purportedly made off with a $780K inducement loan


Allen Stanford sued by American Express over credit card debt

Indicted financier R. Allen Stanford was sued by a unit of American Express Co. for $115,712.79 in back credit card debt.


Finra bars ex-Deutsche Bank broker for manipulating stock price

Edward Brokaw, a former Deutsche Bank AG broker, was barred from the securities industry for manipulating the price of Monogram Biosciences stock in an effort to enrich a hedge-fund client, himself and his family, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority said today.


Money balled up U.S. financial system, says Michael Lewis

Best-selling author claims lavish compensation rewarded bankers for the wrong things


Prosecution of Wall Street titans? Short it

Revelations about the firms' shadier practices incensed both politicians and the public. Don't count on any indictments being handed out, however


Ex-Credit Suisse broker avoids prison — for now

Former Credit Suisse Group AG broker Eric Butler will remain free while a judge reviews a decision that ordered him to prison during the appeal of his conviction for fraudulently selling securities that cost investors more than $1.1 billion in losses.


Wall Street bigs asked to sign off on fiduciary duty

The Committee for the Fiduciary Standard takes a different tack in its bid to eliminate the broker-dealer exclusion


Key Republican may push for broader fiduciary standard

On Tuesday, Sen. Susan Collins pressed Goldman Sachs on their commitment to their clients. Now, she's planning on filing an amendment to financial reform legislation that would likely extend the fiduciary standard to B-Ds.


IN’s Pavia: Congress must stay focused on financial reform

Something fishy? The recent uproar over the SEC staff's Internet viewing habits seems like a red herring


While Wall Street burned, SEC employees watched porn: Report

Senior members spent hours surfing pornographic websites while the financial system collapsed, an agency watchdog claims


Key Republican senator warms to idea of fiduciary reform

As Senate floor debate on financial-regulatory-reform legislation begins, a key Republican senator plans to offer an amendment on fiduciary standards that could be broader than language contained in a bill that the House passed late last year.


After winning dismissal last month of a class action brought by six former Smith Barney brokers, Citigroup Inc.


SEC to focus on conflicts in muni bond business

The SEC's announcement last week that it is launching an investigation of the municipal bond market is aimed at increasing transparency and weeding out conflicts of interest.


Major exchanges agree in principle to new electronic trading rules

The leaders for major securities exchanges have agreed in principle to a uniform system of "circuit breakers" that would slow trading during periods of intense market volatility, Federal regulators said Monday.