
Regulation And Legislation

Displaying 10262 results


Require 401(k) plans to offer fixed-income products, key congressman says

Requiring annuities or other fixed-income products be included as an option in 401(k) plans is being considered by the House Education and Labor Committee, said Rep. Robert Andrews, D-N.J., chairman of the committee’s Health, Employment Labor and Pensions Subcommittee.


Ex-NFL star scores $950K arbitration against Morgan Keegan

Morgan Keegan has been stung in another arbitration case involving its bond funds, this time losing a $950,000 claim to an ex-NFL Pro Bowl star with the Kansas City Chiefs.


The meaning of ‘fiduciary’ is suddenly up for grabs

Trust is a five-syllable word. That word is fiduciary. As investors discuss "gates" in hedge funds and losses in portfolios, the term "in a client's best interests" is open to debate.


Arbitrations cost Morgan Keegan big

Investors who are battling Morgan Keegan over the blowup of its bond funds are on a hot streak, with a former Major League Baseball all-star among the recent arbitration winners.


Goldman’s Blankfein backs wide-ranging financial industry regs

The chief executive of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. today called for new standards on how Wall Street executives are compensated and new regulation of large hedge funds and private-equity funds.


Finra arbitration awards may mean gains for investors

Finra securities arbitration panels have handed investors two huge wins in recent months, but lawyers and industry observers are divided about whether such noticeable awards signal favorably for investors.


House again floats federal insurance regulator

In the latest iteration of a plan that’s been steadily gaining support from both Democrats and Republicans on the Hill, legislation was introduced yesterday that would create a federal insurance regulator.


Stimulus package seen as windfall for fraudsters

The U.S. government’s $787 billion stimulus package offers ripe opportunities for fraud, according to criminal experts.


Bill may drive reps from wirehouses, expert says

Legislation approved Wednesday by the House of Representatives that would limit bonuses at government-aided firms may lead more wirehouse brokers to become independent investment advisers, said an attorney who specializes in helping breakaway brokers start their own advisory firms.


Merrill socked with $39.8M arbitration ruling

In one of the single largest securities arbitration awards ever, Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. has been ordered pay $39.8 million to a group affiliated with the Freemasons.


Consumer watchdog agency proposed in House

Two congressmen think that a new consumer watchdog agency is needed in the wake of the financial crisis.


Geithner unveils financial system overhaul

The Obama administration today unveiled a sweeping overhaul of the financial system designed to impose greater regulation on major players like hedge funds.


Fed and Treasury chief to get grilled on AIG

The Federal Reserve's chairman and the secretary of the treasury are making a rare joint appearance at a congressional hearing, to take a scolding over AIG.


Administration seeks to free frozen credit markets

The Obama administration launched a new effort Monday to end a paralysis in lending, saying it will team with investors to sop up a half-trillion dollars of bad assets from banks that have been reluctant to make loans to consumers and companies.


State securities cops seek fed money to combat fraud

Arguing that they can do more than federal agencies with less, state securities regulators today asked Congress to consider giving federal grants to state securities divisions.


AG coalition going after AIG bonuses

New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram said yesterday that her office is spearheading an investigation into the bonuses paid to workers’ at American International Group Inc.’s financial-products unit.


Lawmakers consider tighter rules for credit card companies

A bill has been introduced in the House that would impose stricter rules on how credit card companies set interest rates and charge fees to consumers.


Lawmakers seek taxes on pay for TARP receivers

Companies receiving taxpayer funds under the Troubled Asset Relief Program would be subject to major taxes on executive bonuses under a proposal unveiled Tuesday.


Sen. Grassley to AIG execs: Quit or commit suicide

Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested that AIG executives should accept responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves.


Bogle calls for fiduciary standards

Congress should enact legislation mandating that all investment advisers and money managers come under fiduciary standards, John Bogle, founder and former chief executive of The Vanguard Group Inc. of Malvern, Pa., said today.