

Displaying 7837 results


Biggest muni bankruptcy ever puts investors on high alert

Creditors left holding the bag after Jefferson County goes bust; 'catastrophic mistake'


Will minibonds be a megahit?

California eyes selling muni debt in $25 denominations; lower buy-in designed to attract more investors


Expected rout in muni market a no-show

After S&P lowered ratings on thousands of municipal bonds earlier in the week, traders braced for a massive selloff. They're still waiting.


Regulator to bond dealers: Don’t rip off investors

MSRB warns against price manipulation in the wake of possible credit downgrades


A bridge loan too far? California aims to borrow $5B to protect against U.S. default

State hedging against possible credit market chaos; lowest-debt rating of all 50 states


Debt deal in Washington could be monumentally bad for clients

Tax breaks for investments and savings look to be prime targets for lawmakers; 'the fight is coming'


Mortgage tax break set for the wrecking ball?

Poll reveals more Americans willing to give up home-loan interest deduction



The average closing cost on a mortgage jumped from around $3,600 to more than $4,000 this year. It's even more expensive in these ten states.


Workers more likely to retire after strong market performance

Workers are more likely to retire after a period of strong equity returns, but they may be leaving the workplace at a time when their nest eggs are at the most risk.


Boomers not interested in rocking chair retirement

Younger boomers more optimistic about their finances but acknowledge that they will have to work some in retirement


Advisers: Preparing clients for the worst on taxes

Financial advisers are fairly clear about what is in store for their clients: taxes that are unlikely to go down and may rise.


GAO’s financial advice: Hold off on Social Security, buy an annuity

A new study by the Government Accountability Office predicts that middle-class workers may well outlive retirement savings. The solution, the GAO says, is for workers to hold off on taking Social Security -- and buy annuities.


Meredith Whitney’s muni denial doesn’t jibe with what ran on 60 Minutes: Mysak

Analyst claims she didn't say what she seemed to have said when she said it on national television


Gold at $2,000? It’s getting closer

Precious metal gains from race to debase currencies, now tops $1,800; BofA sees it at $2,000 in a year


Default, dear Brutus, could be bad news for money funds

Could put a hole in money-market funds, which hold $760 billion in Treasuries. The question is: should investors pull their money out now just in case lawmakers in Washington don't reach a debt-ceiling agreement by Aug. 2?


George Soros ditches hedge fund empire for — a family office?

Legendary investor George Soros is trading in his hedge fund firm for -- a family office. Of course, this family office boasts $24 billion in assets under management.


Tougher 401(k) rules seen as ‘full employment act’ for RIAs

As the Labor Department prepares to issue stricter rules for the retirement fund industry, financial advisers at RIA firms are licking their chops over the prospect of poaching business from broker-dealers and insurance agents


401(k) expense ratios down — except for bond funds

Fees fall for stock and money market funds; charges for fixed-income offerings hold steady


Guidance imminent on 401(k) income products

The Treasury Department will soon offer guidance on lifetime income options in 401(k) plans with the aim of curbing the number of individuals who are likely to outlive their retirement savings.


Ray of hope? Top college commences with middle-class tuition cap

Middle-class families are quickly being priced out of the top universities. But a bold new program at the University of California at Berkeley -- limiting the total costs for families with modest incomes to 15% of earnings -- offers a ray of hope. | The most expensive state schools » Top-rated 529 plans »