

Displaying 7837 results


Asset allocation R.I.P.?

New study reveals savers not saving enough -- and asset allocators not allocating assets enough


Five considerations for Roth redos

Just as 2010 may have been the year of the Roth conversion, 2011 may be the year of…


Leaders of Senate debt reduction group vow to take hard look at tax expenditures

Two leaders of a group of senators trying to convert last year's presidential deficit commission recommendations into legislation plan to take a hard look at eliminating tax breaks which cost a total of $1.1 trillion annually.


Money lost to retirement plan tax breaks vastly overstated, say actuaries

The Treasury Department's calculation of revenues that are lost to tax-deferred retirement plans is flat out wrong, says an acturial group. They may be on to something.


Will newly proposed tax changes whack the wealthy?

With the Bush tax cuts extended for another two years, the status remains quo on major — and imminent — potential changes in tax law, right?


Bite from 12(b)-1 fee reform should be ‘modest’ for most firms: KBW

But these three fund firms would likely take the biggest hit under current proposal


And you think your kid’s private school is expensive

Tuition at Leysin American School in the Swiss Alps is $72K a year, but at least the skiing's good


Rockefeller snags ex-Goldman exec as new CEO

Ten months after the death of its former chief executive, wealth management firm Rockefeller Financial today hired Reuben Jeffery III, a former government official and Goldman Sachs' executive, as its chief executive.


BondView to run the rule over muni bond funds

Muni bond transparency isn't very transparent. Indeed, making sense of muni bond funds can be an exercise in frustration. Now, a new rating system may clear things up a bit.


Annuity fees a turnoff for clients and advisers

Products are 'difficult to assess,' commission-based distribution seen as a problem


Dear client: Your home is worth less than you think

Home prices in the second quarter fell nearly six percent from the previous year. That's bad news for clients looking to sell right now.


American dream on life support as U.S. moves to ‘rentership society’

Homeownership rate now below 60%; opportunity for real estate investors?


Most expensive state for mortgage closing? Fuhgettaboudit

New York tops the list, according to latest data; average cost up, Dodd-Frank blamed


Jeter fan spurns $250K collectible, gives back milestone ball

'Mr. Jeter deserved it,' said Christian Lopez, who snagged Yankees' 3,000 hit; a valuable piece of baseball history


Biggest quarterly sell-off of munis since 1995

Fund firms, individuals cut back dramatically on holdings of tax-exempt debt


GOP, Dems on surprising sides of means-testing clash

You had to figure the issue of means testing for entitlement programs would split Republicans and Democrats. And it has -- just not the way you'd think.


Where the world’s wealthiest clients are — and will be

The cumulative wealth of the world's richest households will more than double, to $202 trillion over the next ten years, according to a study conducted by the Deloitte Center for Financial Services and Oxford Economics.


March of the millionaires on the rise — particularly in Singapore

City-state has highest percentage of millionaire households; China now No.3 in total number of millionaire households


Don’t raid an IRA to pay for college

Overwhelmed by the wide range of potential savings vehicles for college, consumers often default to what they know,…


The secrets of the top advisers

Gregory Vaughan has the demeanor of your favorite college professor — accessible, attentive and humble