

Displaying 7837 results


Rollover funds go a-begging

Workers often leave 401(k) accounts with former employers for no good reason, survey finds; advisers missing a trick


Berkshire Hathaway: Buy or sell?

Matthew McLennan (middle), portfolio manager at First Eagle Funds, and David J. Winters (right), manager of the Wintergreen Fund, sit down with WealthTrack's Consuelo Mack (left) at the Retirement Income Summit today in Chicago.


AllianceBernstein loses DC veteran to Russell

Davies latest in a series of of top execs who've left the financial firm since CEO change in 2008


401(k) rights trumped by ERISA

In a recent case (Cajun Industries LLC v. Robert Kidder, et al.), the court ruled that despite having previously named his three children as beneficiaries of his 401(k) plan, a deceased plan participant's 401(k) balance will pass to his new wife


IRAs going under the microscope ─ are advisers prepared?

Jamey Delaplane, partner at law firm Davis & Harman LLP, warned advisers in attendance at the InvestmentNews Retirement Income Summit that IRAs are likely to come under increased regulatory scrutiny.


Banks butting heads with Vanguard, Fidelity in 401(k) scrum

BofA, JPMorgan and Wells looking to horn in on retirement plan biz; could be good news for employees


B-Ds plead for DOL, SEC to team up on fiduciary rule

Broker-dealer advocates yesterday pleaded with the Labor Department to coordinate its fiduciary rulemaking efforts with those of the…


This state’s adviser-sold 529 plan rates highest once again

A Colorado college savings plan gets top mark for 2010; rated No.1 for the past five quarters


TD’s Bradley: Rule to protect investors could cost them their IRAs

Unintended consequence of applying fiduciary standard could whack self-directed retirement accounts; DOL went 'a little bit too far'


‘Dumb money’ hosed as investors exit muni funds

Selling into a depressed market is not the brightest move ever, but that's what many clients are doing by cashing out their muni bond funds. The better play? Stay patient -- and buy individual bonds


Clients want to avoid nursing homes — or even talking about it

Survey shows few pre-pensioners have set aside money for LTC or even raise the topic with advisers or loved ones


Why health insurance is now like a box of Wheaties

Truth-in-labeling law comes to medical insurance biz; 'plain English'


Insurers getting plenty of mileage out of LTC hybrids

Combination life and long-term care polices are gaining serious traction in the marketplace. One for-instance: Sales for Lincoln National's MoneyGuard are up 62 percent over the past year.


End of the road: Tax breaks for affluent likely to be snipped

As Congress attempts to trim the nation's deficit, advisers and their clients should brace for a less generous tax code in 2013, said James Delaplane (pictured), at the InvestmentNews Retirement Income Summit.


Texas woman’s investment strategy? Hit the state lottery — four times

Small-town resident has raked in $21M in four separate jackpots. Mathematicians put the odds of this happening at 18,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1. That's a lot of zeros.


<b>Special report:</b> The top-performing SMAs

Here, you'll find the top ten SMAs across six different categories, with data provided to InvestmentNews exclusively by Prima Capital.


401(k) balances at record level: Survey

The average 401(k) retirement plan balance has reached the highest level since Fidelity Investments began tracking account values in 1998


Wells Fargo shakes up wealth management

Wells Fargo dramatically rejiggered its regional management set-up — with five execs losing their positions. According to a bank spokesman, the move is intended to help Wells 'realize the efficiencies of the merger with Wachovia.' One of those efficiencies: Cross-selling to Wachovia clients.


Boat’s sailed on QE2 – and these three bond funds should gain

The Fed Reserve's quantitative easing is finally about to end. S&P analyst Michael Souers says this could be a real a boost for Treasuries with less lengthy maturities. Retirees, take note.


For clients, a wake-up call at 50

They suddenly begin focusing on retirement income, says adviser at the InvestmentNews Retirement Income summit