

Displaying 7837 results


<b>Special report:</b> Alternative investments

Chalk up another hard-earned lesson from the financial crisis: Investors in limited partnerships, the structure of choice for most alternative investments, discovered that giving up liquidity in exchange for higher returns wasn't such a good idea after all.


LPL looks for gold in DC market

Through its recently announced purchase of National Retirement Partners Inc., LPL Investment Holdings Inc. is set to enter the demanding and competitive market for smaller to midsize retirement plans.


DOL finally issues new 401(k) fee disclosure rules

The Labor Department last week issued much-anticipated fee disclosure rules for providers of services to employee pension plans.


Ramped-up IRA withdrawals this year could cut retirees’ taxes next year

Looming hike marginal tax rates makes 2010 a good time to take bigger distributions, say advisers


Dangers in using IRAs for business startups

When the Internal Revenue Service names a transaction “Robs,” that can't be good.


Wealth manager with the most cachet? A new king is crowned

Boston Private Bank & Trust, Inc. has knocked Bessemer Trust Co. off its perch in a poll of wealthy consumers.


End of Bush tax cuts will clobber rich clients, advisers say

Highest earners will take big hits from hiked tax rate, cap gains charge; 'really scary'


CPAs continue to add planning to their practices

Certified public accountants have been working on ways to add financial planning to their practices for the past 20 years


12(b)-1 cap could zap Fidelity, other retirement fund providers

American Funds, Fidelity Investments and Lord Abbett & Co. LLC are among a number of fund companies that will have to rethink how they serve the retirement marketplace through advisers if a proposed revamp of 12(b)-1 passes.


Investors rush to cash out stocks ahead of cap-gains hike

Financial advisers say clients are booking gains now at cheaper tax rate; 'better bang for the buck'


Advisers plunge into providing health care

Whether it's helping downsized clients, assisting retirees whose benefits are being chiseled away or advising small-business owners on health care options for their companies, a growing number of financial advisers find themselves navigating the murky waters of health care insurance.


Single-family offices could get a pass on regulation, SEC says

The commission proposes to reverse Dodd-Frank proviso and reinstate the exemption shielding smaller operations from the agency's oversight


Income: The Great political – and possibly, Geographic — Divide

Without a doubt, the answer to the question “What makes a person rich” marks a political divide in this country – a divide that is widening by the second as the mid-term elections fast approach.


Artificial insemination a real headache for estate planners

In-vitro fertilization spawns confusion among wealth managers, trust attorneys; 'wide-open field'


Stick with stocks, says one of world’s oldest investors

When it comes to investment strategies, 94-year-old Edward Zajac takes the long view. And it's paid off handsomely.


Retroactive estate tax for 2010 unlikely, says economist Young

The longer Congress drags out setting an estate tax rate and exemption level, the less likely it is to impose a retroactive tax for 2010, according to an economist with a leading agricultural organization.


Auto-IRA bill formally proposed in Senate

After much discussion and anticipation, the Automatic IRA Act of 2010 was formally proposed Friday by Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M. If enacted, the bill could affect half of the country's working population.


BrightScope launches tool for 401(k) asset managers

BrightScope Inc. today launched a new tool that allows investment-only 401(k) asset managers to pinpoint which retirement plans are using their funds — as well as those of their competitors.


Obama says extending tax cuts to rich is ‘irresponsible’

President Barack Obama said it would be “irresponsible” for Congress to extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and voiced support for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and National Economic Council Chairman Lawrence Summers.