

Displaying 7837 results


Money funds may prove a tough sell for clients of SSgA stable-value funds

State Street Global Advisors' decision to urge its defined-contribution clients to use money market instruments as their “safe”…


Employers strive to minimize 2011 increases

Employers expect compliance with the health care reform law to account for nearly one-third of the projected 10% average increase next year in health benefit costs, but most are taking steps to keep that increase at or below 6% — a move that will cause many to lose grandfathered status, according to a survey by Mercer LLC.


Five states that will get hit hardest by Obama tax hikes

Study reveals which locales will end up with highest total marginal tax rates; Hawaiian punch


Five states that would get hit hardest by Obama tax hikes

The Tax Foundation, a Washington research group that advocates for lower taxes, said state, local and federal levies would result in a tax rates of nearly 50% in some states' top earners.


Citigroup to triple hedge fund offerings for wealthy clients

Citigroup Inc.'s private bank will triple the number of hedge funds such as Paulson & Co. that its wealthy clients can invest in, under a push to increase money-management revenue.


Principal Financial to check out of health insurance biz

Move frees company to focus on asset management; insurance less profitable


The knock on group LTC plans

Long-term care insurance is considered a valuable benefit by employees, but advisers seldom share their enthusiasm.


UBS woos Asia’s ultra rich amid incredible wealth spurt

UBS AG, Switzerland's largest bank, is putting more focus on its richest clients in Asia and bringing its investment bankers closer to asset managers to meet their demands.


Buckingham snaps up $400M wealth manager

The Buckingham Family of Financial Services today announced a merger with Wealth Management Consultants LLC.


Pre-retirees a great niche – but advisers not scratching

Financial advisers who want to develop retirement planning expertise need to bone up on topics that are top-of-mind…


Seniors get additional time to make 2010 IRA charitable rollovers

Can elect to appy donations made this month to last year's tax returns


‘New normal’ for retirement: A job

A massive gap exists between what workers think they'll need to retire — and how much they've actually saved. The result? Worktirement.


Retirement issues likely a hot topic in new Congress

Regardless of which party is in control of Capitol Hill after the November elections, retirement issues are sure to rise to near the top of the congressional agenda.


Putnam to expand info for 401(k) participants

Move comes ahead of ramped-up government disclosure regs


Automatic IRA ‘death knell of private-pension system’: Attorney

Industry leaders are urging advisers to stand united against a measure in Congress that would require businesses without a retirement plan to institute an automatic individual retirement account.


Margin squeeze rolls on, as Nevada drastically reduces 529 fees

Latest state to slash charges on college savings plans; 'downward trajectory'


Advisers bullish on auto-IRA measure

Insurers, fund companies and advisers who serve small investors are likely to be big winners if the Automatic IRA Act of 2010 becomes law.


Swiss official to banks: Dump American clients

Threat of IRS crackdown too big a risk, says official at Swiss financial regulatory agency


Older workers more confident about retirement stash

Older workers are feeling more confident about their ability to retire comfortably, but younger workers, particularly those with defined-contribution plans, are growing increasingly worried.


Putnam out, BlackRock in as manager of Ohio’s 529 plan

In a move that one industry expert dubs 'a big hit,' the fund firm sees its 10-year relationship with the state come to a halt