

Displaying 7837 results


Alabama’s 529 plan dumps Van Kampen

State decides to go with Union Bank and Trust, instead


Obama looks to crack down on abuses in 401(k) advice biz

A new proposal targeting tainted investment advice would affect millions of workers.


Anna Nicole Smith’s mess of a will attracts the attention of clients

The publicity surrounding the debacle of Anna Nicole Smith’s estate highlights the importance of careful estate planning, according to financial advisers, but the errors she made are quite common and are easily remedied.


Roth conversions taking off in 2010

Upper-income investors are taking advantage of a change in the tax law and rushing to convert their traditional individual retirement accounts or old 401(k) plans into Roth IRAs.


Only 16% of workers confident about retirement income

Workers are feeling confident about being able to pay for their basic expenses in retirement. But they're far from secure as more of them say they have hardly anything in savings and investments.


Putnam chief Reynolds leads effort to fix DC plans

Financial services industry executives are expected to flex their muscles and make some radical changes to the nation's retirement system over the next several months — an effort that could significantly increase the amount of money flowing into 401(k) plans and guaranteed-lifetime-income products.


House bill introduced on 401(k) fee disclosure

Legislation that would require that all fees be disclosed to 401(k) plan participants in simplified form is needed, most of the panelists at a hearing on the legislation today testified.


High anxiety for clients amid tax time

Financial advisers this tax season are coping with what they say is an unprecedented level of client anxiety over recent tax code changes and the potential for higher taxes.


Washington state proposes ‘shocking’ estate tax changes

The Washington state Legislature has proposed a bill that would double the estate taxes for residents.


Handful of distributors winning IRA rollover wars

A handful of distributors are seeing a rising tide of wealthy-client assets going into individual retirement accounts.


Charles Schwab: Rollovers on the rise

More people are rolling over their 401(k) savings into IRAs when they leave their jobs or retire.


Push to curb tainted rollover advice could hamstring IRA sales

A push by officials in Washington to curb tainted IRA advice could spoil the party for brokers and plan service providers


Red-faced ASPPA apologizes for e-mail gaffe

The pension and actuary group sends a mea culpa to members after a financial advisory firm got hold of the association's mailing list for an upcoming conference.


Retirees facing minimum $200K bill for lifetime care

And there's a 5% chance the tab could top $570K, according to a sobering study published this week by Boston College.


Michael Jackson’s lawyers swing estate sale of the century

Turns out the King of Pop was also the King of Debt. Michael Jackson left his heirs an estimated $400M bill. What to do if you're Jackson's estate attorneys? Sign a recording deal, of course.


Suddenly, 401k fee disclosures getting plenty of attention

The Labor Dept. is readying a proposal that would force service providers to make more plan info available. Meanwhile, a House committee is said to be unveiling similar legislation this week


Boomers’ retirement offers opportunities, challenges

In four years, more than 4 million baby boomers annually will reach the normal retirement age for full Social Security benefits.


Estate tax expiration another blow to reeling charities

Charities are getting increasingly nervous that the repeal of the estate tax may mean fewer donations this year from wealthy investors who opt instead to leave their estates to their families.


Death tax dead, but wealthy clients standing by

The temporary suspension of the estate tax is not spurring high-net-worth Americans to take action on their estate plans.


Seniors on investment info: Keep it short

Apparently, seniors set aren't big readers — at least when it comes to information about their investments.