

Displaying 7837 results


Obama makes it easer for small companies to set up 401(k)s

The recession has eaten into people's nest eggs so the government is promoting ways to make it easier to save for retirement.


Advice for cancer patients

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute of Boston and the Massachusetts chapter of the Financial Planning Association are set to ramp up their groundbreaking free financial-planning coaching service for cancer patients this fall.


401k contribution limits face potential fall

You've probably heard it over and over again: contribute up to the maximum amount in your 401(k) plan to improve your chances of a comfortable retirement.


LPL expands retirement platform for 401(k) advisers

LPL Financial is continuing to add to its platform of retirement offerings and products for reps and advisers focused on the 401(k) market.


Automatic enrollment quadruples over three-year period among retirement plans run by Vanguard

About 20% of the defined contribution plans administered by The Vanguard Group Inc. had adopted automatic enrollment by the end of last year, up from just 5% three years earlier, according to a recent study by Vanguard.


Account balances taken to next level

Retirement account holders at the Principal Financial Group Inc. can now receive weekly text messages outlining their 401(k) balances.


Fidelity: Workers again putting more into 401(k)s

For the first time in a year, more of Fidelity's 11.2 million plan participants have raised, rather than reduced, their contributions.


Investment Company Institute: 401(k) plans rich in low-cost mutual funds

Low-cost mutual funds make up most of the assets in 401(k) plans, according to a study released yesterday by the Investment Company Institute, a Washington-based industry trade group.


Top earners took hardest hits to their 401(k)s, EBRI study finds

The median asset levels in 401(k) plans dropped at least 15% from yearend 2007 to mid-June 2009, but the affluent and wealthy saw much heftier losses, according to a report released yesterday.


55- to 64-year-olds most likely to have health insurance in ’07, EBRI study says

Adults 55 to 64 were most likely to have health care coverage in 2007, according to a study from the Employee Benefits Research Institute.


IRS kills 72(t) payment correction request

The Internal Revenue Service recently ruled that an improper transfer of funds from an individual retirement account from which the client was taking 72(t) payments triggered the 10% early-withdrawal penalty.


Analysts assess winners and losers in health care reform

Depending on the outcome of health care reform, investment opportunities could be found in a variety of related sectors, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and even certain insurers.


For young couples, renting may be a better option

Slumping home prices and financial incentives may make homeownership all the more tantalizing for young newlyweds, but advisers warn that renting may be the smarter choice.


Workplace planning boost is one upside of the downturn

The financial crisis is helping to boost financial planning in the workplace.


Some advisers see kids as a new frontier

In a bid to build their businesses, some financial advisers are turning to an untapped market: their clients' young children.


Blacks, Hispanics lag in retirement savings

Financial firms have bolstered their efforts to help financial advisers connect with minority clients, who typically aren't saving significantly for retirement.


Compensation: SEC mandate called too broad

Financial advisers are troubled by an administration proposal that would allow the Securities and Exchange Commission to ban commissions and take other sweeping actions regarding their fees.


Feds take aim at 401(k) crooks

Amid the economic downturn, 401(k) abuses by plan sponsors are on the rise.


Target date funds increasingly featured in 403(b) plans, survey says

Non-profit organizations are embracing target date funds and a majority of 403(b) plan sponsors have begun offering these funds in their plans, a study released today showed.


Blacks, Hispanics lag in 401(k) participation

African Americans and Hispanics are less prepared for retirement than their white and Asian counterparts, according to a survey released today.