

Displaying 7837 results


On a 401(k) mission

In his 20 years of managing clients' 401(k) plans, Michael T. Scarborough has seen numerous examples of mistakes made by investors who don't allocate enough of their salaries to saving for retirement.


Women less aggressive than men in retirement saving

Women are less aggressive then men when it comes to saving for retirement, according to a new study.


ING closes $900M CitiStreet acquisition

The deal makes Hartford-based ING Wealth Management the third largest defined contribution business in the country.


Employers take to Roth 401(k) after slow start

More than two years after its creation, the Roth 401(k) is finally gaining traction in company plans, such as those managed by The Hartford (Conn.) Financial Services Group Inc., The Vanguard Group Inc. and Merrill Lynch Retirement Group.


Caring for parents will cost boomers

Boomers, already strapped for cash, stand to lose even more money by caring for their parents, according to Fidelity Investments in Boston.


Fidelity leads pack in IRA assets

Fidelity's IRA market share is about 13.7% as of the fourth quarter of 2007, up from 12.7%, the previous year, according to Cerulli.


401(k) contributions drop in troubled economy

Some 21% of participants are now contributing at a lower rate and 4% have stopped altogether, according to Putnam.


401(k) disclosure bill mired, says congressman

“We’re not going to move [the bill],” said Rep. George Miller, D.-Calif. “We don’t see the president signing it.”


Advisers will need to master expanded products

Financial advisers face an array of challenges in the retirement market in the next decade.


A turbulent decade for fund industry started off well

The mutual fund industry, buffeted by volatile markets, unprecedented scandals and new competition, has had a tough time over the past 10 years.


Advisers’ role evolves as 401(k) plans come to dominate

During the past decade, 401(k) plans have elbowed defined benefit plans to become the primary retirement vehicle for most Americans.


Complex buyout deals spur need for advice

Corporate cutbacks may provide an opportunity for financial advisers: to help employees who have lost their jobs analyze…


Boomers’ retirement plans in jeopardy

The economic downturn is forcing some baby boomers to raid their 401(k) plans and halt their savings, which could have a negative effect on their retirement, according to a new study.


Financial advisers, sponsors offered new yardstick for retirement plan fees

A new software service lets employers benchmark 401(k) plan costs.


401(k) biz brisk despite economy

Despite the economic downturn, demand for small-business 401(k) plans remains strong, according to ShareBuilder Advisors.


Health care is part of wealth care

What would be the financial consequence if one of your clients lost his or her physical and/or mental independence?


ICI meeting covers use of alternatives in funds

The use of alternative hedge-fund-like strategies within mutual funds was a hot topic of discussion last week at the Investment Company Institute's 50th annual general membership meeting in Washington.


Retirement security top priority for investors

The government should remove obstacles that keep employers from offering 401(k) plans, said Paul Schott Stevens.


Financial advisers act to snag 401(k)s

The volatile stock market has created a period of frenzy for financial advisers in the 401(k) area, who have seen a substantial increase in the number of new prospects.


Economy slowing down 401(k) contributions

Eight percent of investors have recently halted or reduced their contributions in 401(k) plans, a study reveals.