

Displaying 7835 results


HSAs offer a strategic advantage

Do your clients have health savings accounts?


Consumers increasingly take loans from retirement plans

With the economy deteriorating and prices for gas and heating fuel skyrocketing, consumers who are seeking new sources of cash are increasingly jeopardizing their retirement income by taking out loans from their retirement plans.


Labor Department hears 401(k) providers on fee-disclosure regs

Service providers to 401(k) plans should not be required to be fiduciaries of the plans, the Department of Labor is being told.


Hancock launches guaranteed 401(k) rider

Guaranteed Income for Life lets clients to put some of their 401(k) assets into at least one of the firm's lifestyle funds.


Retirement angst reaches 18-year high

Less than 20% of American workers feel confident that they will be able to afford a comfortable retirement .


Debit card allows investors to tap 401(k)s

A deteriorating economy and skyrocketing prices for necessities such as gas and heating fuel are driving consumers to…


Risk management is key to distribution planning

Financial advisers and clients can be their own worst enemies when drafting plans for retirement income, making common — but crucial — errors that can ruin distribution plans, according to an influential academic.


DOL backs participants in 401(k) suit

The Dept. of Labor is backing 401(k) participants in an appeal of the dismissal of a class action filed against Deere & Co. and Fidelity Investments.


Barclays chooses MetLife as annuity provider

MetLife is bringing in its deferred income annuity as an asset allocation option in a defined contribution plan.


Vote on 401(k) fee disclosure likely

The bill is expected to pass the House by summer, but will not make it through the Senate, lawyer James Delaplane said.


Clients want advisers, not stock pickers

Most advisers are clueless about important tax rules that impact individual retirement accounts, CPA Ed Slott said.


Competition fierce in 401(k) recruiting

A full 93% of plan sponsors said they are solicited at least once a year by other advisers, according to a Fidelity study.


Plan producers shy away from fiduciary insurance

In the weeks following a ground-breaking Supreme Court case allowing individual 401(k) participants to sue employers, lawyers have been recommending that advisers require plan sponsors to purchase fiduciary insurance.


More borrowing spells trouble for retirees

401(k) participants who have borrowed from their investments rose from 9% in 2005 to 18% in 2007.


Connecticut is planning to offer first small-business 401(k) plan

Connecticut is seeking to become the first state to offer a low-cost 401(k) plan designed for small businesses.


Changes in DB plans to slow, Hewitt says

Changes to defined benefit plans will slow considerably this year, with 72% of plans surveyed by Hewitt Associates saying they would not likely make any changes to their plans this year, compared to 41% in last year’s survey.


Gauging retirement readiness

Wall Street has become an industry of metrics


Advisers may get OK on IRA advice

The Labor Department will soon release guidelines detailing how advisers may give direct counsel to clients about IRAs.


Fidelity’s 401(k) platform raised

A record 516 new plans were funded in 2007, with total plans serviced growing to 2,825, a 15% increase from 2006.


Labor Dept. floats worker contribution rule

The rule would increase protection for employee contributions to pension and welfare-benefits plans for smaller firms.