

Displaying 7835 results


RIAs face their greatest challenge: The transfer of wealth

Finding different ways to interact with Gen Xers and millennials is top of mind in the industry, advisor says.


Most advisors overestimate ability to serve retirement needs of female clients

But are they ready to provide the unique advice that's required?


Two-thirds of Americans want an alternative path to retirement

New report from Fidelity uncovers changing attitudes about retirement, concerns around savings, and use of technology across generations.


Americans want to live to 100, but can they afford a 30-year retirement?

Study reveals optimistic outlook for long retirement.


Limra partnership takes aim at life insurance, retirement plan fraud

The collaboration aims to empower insurers, retirement service providers and other stakeholders against financial crime.


Expect a stronger, more lawsuit-proof fiduciary rule very soon

With the final version of the rule now at the Office of Management and Budget, it won't be long before it's published. Don't expect a lot of changes, lawyers say.


Just Futures takes social justice to retirement plans

In partnership with fintech platform Vestwell, the public benefit firm is bringing its values-driven 401(k) and 403(b) plans to market.


OneAmerica unveils active target-date suite

Firm’s latest retirement plan products, structured as CITs, provide asset-allocation option for retirement plan participants.


Modern Wealth enters Eastern US with $1.2B deal

The RIA is expanding its capabilities in retirement planning by buying with a Rochester, New York-based practice formerly with LPL.


Younger generations driving demand for personalized 401(k) plans

Cerulli research suggests asset managers and record keepers can stand out to Gen Zers by providing customized product offerings.


Tax hike alone won’t save Social Security, think tank warns

Proposed bill to raise taxes on high earners isn’t enough to fix program's brewing solvency challenge, according to new report.


How do you choose a CIO for a $490B pension fund?

Calpers now has a short list for one of the investment world’s biggest roles.


SECURE 2.0 Saver’s Match could help 21.9M Americans

Using federal tax data, EBRI offers a ‘starting point’ to estimate the retirement program’s impact on lower-income workers when it starts in 2027.


An unexpected double tax break for 529-to-Roth rollovers

There’s a chance to do two 529-to-Roth rollovers this year – but only if the first one (for 2023) is done by April 15.


Helping kids understand the meaning of money

'People are starting to understand that health also means financial health,' says Liz Frazier of Frazier Financial Consultants.


Kodak considers tapping pension fund surplus

The company's plan was overfunded by about $1.2 billion at the end of 2022.


Older homeowners are confident in retirement goals, plan to age in place

Fannie Mae estimates the 60-plus cohort could soon make up half of US homeowners.


Research hints at vicious mental health-wealth cycle for workers

New TIAA report points to two-way interplay between financial stressors and US employees’ mental health.


Just three hours can improve retirement readiness: Study

An Australian university found that a short online class, especially in conjunction with financial advice, helped retirement confidence.


Kodak to outsource oversight of pension investments

The company's move to disband its in-house team and shift the work to NEPC is being driven by the pension system's overfunding.