

Displaying 4554 results


BNY Mellon sued for negligence over Madoff

Bank of New York Mellon Corp. was sued on behalf of three funds for negligence in connection with the Ponzi scheme run by convicted fraudster Bernard L. Madoff.


Gingrich’s gift to highest earners

Analysis of Newt Gingrich's tax plan would cut taxes for 70% of households and reduce rates for the highest earners compared with what they pay now.


Advisers who are fee-based feel handcuffed

It's anything but a virtuous cycle. The markets are down. Financial advisers who base their fees on assets under management are hurting. The only fix? Raise prices. But how can you in this market?


Springtime has arrived and so have the new VAs

It is that time again


Top advisers see very slow growth in 2012

The following is an edited transcript of an Oct. 25 round-table discussion moderated by InvestmentNews deputy editors Evan Cooper and Frederick P. Gabriel Jr.


Experts not queueing up for Suze Orman’s new debit card

Suze Orman's new prepaid debit card will come with fees of at least $36 a year


Wealthy worried kids will fritter away inheritance

Almost a quarter of wealthy individuals in the U.S. don't trust their children or stepchildren to protect the assets they plan on leaving the next generation.


One simple solution: Outside auditors

An idea worthy of serious consideration has emerged from the contentious battle over how investment advisers should be…


Congress, resolve to fix deficit and debt

There are many New Year's resolutions that would have been nice for our government to have made last week, but there was a vital one that should have been made — and kept.


thinkorswim integration not all going swimmingly, TD says

Some early glitches for subset of clients; 'actively working to resolve it'


TD to work on work flows for third-party technology partners

Deal with Actifi should help custodial unit speed up adviser work processes and improve efficiency


Guess who wins under Republican candidates’ tax plans?

Tax proposals from the Republican presidential candidates favor one group


E*Trade the biggest loser after board rejects sale

Stock takes a header while rest of the market surges; bad loans a millstone


Social Security beneficiaries to receive 3.6% increase

Fifty-five million Social Security beneficiaries can look forward to a 3.6% cost-of-living adjustment in 2012.


The 2012 outlook

Last year's stock market volatility has taken its toll: Financial advisers are a lot more skittish about equities now than they were at the start of 2011.


Resolve to be a better adviser

WHILE MOST OF US ARE already well on our way to breaking our New Year’s resolutions to lose…


Resolve to be a better adviser

While most of us are already well on our way to breaking our New Year's resolutions to lose weight, exercise more or declutter our desks, here are some ideas for resolutions that financial advisers might want to consider — and stick to — for 2012.


SEC alleges firm inflated AUM to attract clients

A Chicago investment adviser and its principal lured investors into two funds of hedge funds the firm managed…


Ron Carson announces adviser hire for new RIA

Well-known veteran investment adviser Rob Isbitts will oversee investments for Ron Carson's new RIA.