

Displaying 4554 results


MetLife leads in VA sales

MetLife Inc., the largest U.S. life insurer, kept the top spot in variable annuity sales in the third quarter by cutting rates to attract customers looking for a consistent return amid equity market declines.


Strategies to minimize taxes under Senate scrutiny

Even with reforms, advisers could sally forth with new schemes


Fiduciary standard an RIA’s best friend

Every time the debate over the fiduciary standard of client care hits the news, RIAs pick up a few more clients.


SEC must forge ahead in fiduciary battle

The Obama administration, Congress and the SEC need to continue to press forward with their efforts to ensure that brokers are required to act in their clients' undivided best interests at all times


Lack of facts could hurt fight for fiduciary standard

The lack of empirical evidence showing that brokers lead investors into bad investments because they want the commissions from those products is making it a challenge for supporters of a uniform fiduciary duty to convince lawmakers that there is a problem


Hark: Beware of Harkin tax plan

Investors, beware of the financial transactions tax proposed by Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, and Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore


Obama nixes 3% withholding tax for government contractors

President Barack Obama today signed into law a bill that would kill a withholding tax on government contractors even before it was levied for the first time.


Debate subtly shifting from whether to raise taxes — to how much

Republican lawmakers coming over to the idea that Uncle Sam must raise more revenue to make real impact on deficit; Grover Norquist not thrilled


Advisers, regulators must heed MF’s lessons

MF Global's bankruptcy illustrates again that excessive financial leverage is dangerous, that regulators must remain on high alert for dangerous situations and that they must act expeditiously when they perceive that a firm's leverage appears too high


Democrats eye 3.25% millionaire surtax

U.S. Senate Democrats are proposing to use a 3.25 percent surtax on income over $1 million to pay for extending and expanding a payroll tax cut, setting up a test vote as early as this week.


Advisers: Clients are better off than in 2008, but Obama must go

Financial advisers say that clients are better off financially than they were three years ago, but they still…


<b>Top RIAs:</b> The regional rundown

Four popular places for RIAs to look for clients - plus the Q4 RIA rankings.


New York’s riches come at a price

Love it or hate it, New York elicits strong opinions from just about everyone.


MetLife drops Citi as top stock pick

MetLife Inc., the biggest U.S. life insurer, was removed from Citigroup Inc.'s list of top stock picks as…


St. Louis: The pros and cons for advisers

St. Louis might be brushed off as flyover country by some coast-to-coast travelers, but it has become the final destination for many financial advisers.


Satisfied in Seattle: More clients than competitors for RIAs

Despite is reputation for gray skies, Seattle has weathered the nation's economic storm better than most of the U.S. That fact, combined with the area's recreational opportunities and quality of life, makes some financial advisers who live and work there pretty satisfied.


Advisers can slice and dice peer data via Fidelity study

An online dashboard created by Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services allows RIAs to compare themselves to their peers.


<b>INsider:</b> ‘Death spiral’ awaits if muni tax break erased

Supercommittee notion of doing away with exemption not so super; going down the Whitney path


CFP Board on awareness ads: Message getting through

Survey indicates public profile of certified financial planners on the rise