

Displaying 4554 results


High anxiety for clients amid tax time

Financial advisers this tax season are coping with what they say is an unprecedented level of client anxiety over recent tax code changes and the potential for higher taxes.


Johnson amendment would let brokers off the fiduciary hook

Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., is circulating legislative language that would delete a requirement that brokers acting as advisers be registered investment advisers.


Life insurers sue B-Ds over third-party VA sales

Two life insurers are suing a trio of broker-dealers, accusing them of fraudulently selling to third parties variable annuities with lucrative death benefits on terminally ill individuals.


B-Ds fret over proposed placement agent rules

A bill introduced last week in the California Legislature would require money manager placement agents to register as lobbyists and regulate their compensation.


What’s the world’s richest man buying? BlackRock

Carlos Slim, the world's richest man according to Forbes magazine, has acquired shares of BlackRock Inc., the world's biggest money manager, expanding his U.S. holdings.


Investment in young people can pay off

Twenty years ago, investment adviser Greg Merlino woudn't take on clients unless they had at least $250,000 of investible assets.


Schwab to RIA clients: Did you authorize this wire transfer?

The Charles Schwab Corp. has begun calling clients of some registered investment advisers to verify that they have authorized wire transfers of funds from accounts held in custody at the broker-dealer.


American Funds top choice for marketing materials

Financial advisers and branch managers chose American Funds as the firm which best meets their needs for marketing materials, according to a study released today by Financial Research Corp.


Schwab ordered by Finra to pay ex-employee $1.8M

The self regulatory organization ruled that Schwab's human resources group committed “gross negligence, and contributed to the damages suffered” by a former employee who claimed the brokerage had made defamatory comments on his termination notice.


Advisers aim to ramp up marketing spending

Forty-two percent of surveyed reps plan to boost such spending, while 41% plan to cut spending on bonuses.


For most RIAs, ’09 proved dismal

Stiff competition thwarted many of the nation's biggest RIA firms last year.


Financial adviser admits to embezzling $4.3M from clients

A former financial adviser from Plymouth, Mass., has pleaded guilty in federal court to embezzling $4.3 million from his clients and using the money for personal expenses, including to make mortgage payments and pay his daughter's college tuition.


Account aggregation, CRM added to TradePMR platform

TradePMR Inc., a small, privately held brokerage firm located in Gainesville, Florida, is holding its annual user’s conference…


Consumers likely to pay for bank levy

The Obama administration has proposed a $90 billion to $100 billion levy over 10 years on large financial institutions, aimed at recovering the money that the government used to stave off financial disaster in late 2008 and early 2009.


U.S. business leaders fear double-dip recession

Business leaders in the United States are becoming increasingly alarmed — again — about the state of the economy.


Charles Schwab trading volume up 8 percent in Jan.

Retail brokerage Charles Schwab Corp. said Friday that its clients' daily trading volume rose 8 percent in January compared with the same month a year ago.


Top 50 RIA firms struggled to boost assets last quarter

Only six managed the feat, in fact — those that did said the gains mostly came from expanded client rosters and smart investment choices


Washington the biggest threat to economic recovery

Politicians of both parties are giving us lessons in how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Rockefeller CEO’s death is apparent suicide

James McDonald, president and chief executive of Rockefeller & Co. Inc., one of the country's largest multifamily offices, died on Sunday. He was 56.