

Displaying 7 results


Retirement savings account balances hit two-year high: Fidelity

Data from more than 45 million 401(k), 403(b) and IRA accounts show steady contributions even as "vibecession" weighs on savers.


Inflation fears eating away at nearly 90 percent of retirees, says Schroders

Latest snapshot research of US adults uncovers widespread concerns around retirement savings, healthcare costs, and market risks.

  • News
  • April 3, 2024

Lincoln adds new PEPs to its group retirement shelf

The insurance and retirement solutions provider is taking fresh aim at the workplace coverage gap with 401(k) and 403(b) offerings.

  • News
  • March 22, 2024

AI partnership takes aim at workers’ student debt

Workplace fintech and fiduciary retirement plan provider team up to help more plan sponsors and participants with student loan matching solutions.

  • News
  • March 10, 2024

Just Futures takes social justice to retirement plans

In partnership with fintech platform Vestwell, the public benefit firm is bringing its values-driven 401(k) and 403(b) plans to market.

  • News
  • February 28, 2024

Retirement savers finished 2023 on a high note, Fidelity says

Three-quarters of eligible workers made contributions to their accounts amid near-universal inclusion of Roth options in workplace savings plans.


Attorney Jerry Schlichter opens up about 403(b), 401(k) suits

After recent filings of a dozen lawsuits against university retirement plans, InvestmentNews spoke with the high-profile attorney about the broader world of ERISA fee litigation.