

Displaying 79 results


One-third of healthcare workers aren’t confident about retirement

Despite 91 percent being in a workplace savings plan, uncertainty over saving, debt, and other issues are making healthcare employees doubtful.


SEC updates annuity disclosure rules for RILAs, MVAs

The amendments aimed at fostering a more tailored approach to disclosure for non-variable annuities sparked concerns for one dissenting commissioner.


Retirees spend twice as much when they have guaranteed income, research finds

Most people don't plan bequests and many unnecessarily cut back on discretionary spending in retirement, according to a paper from an industry group.

  • News
  • June 24, 2024

With 10 years to go, near-retirees have a shot to avert the midlife retirement crisis

Prudential Life says there’s hope for 55-year-olds even as trends of inflation, disappearing DB pensions and “silver squatters” wear on.

  • News
  • June 13, 2024

State Street adds a lifetime income twist to its target date funds

Addressing workers’ concerns for early retirement, the new offering updates an existing index-based solution with the option of going into an annuity.

  • News
  • June 10, 2024

Cetera builds insurance planning muscle with Fidelity alum

The firm’s new head of advanced wealth solutions comes with deep expertise in retirement income, life insurance, and annuities.


The DOL’s fiduciary rule faces another legal challenge

A coalition of trade associations including the Insured Retirement Institute, ACLI, and NAIFA has filed a civil suit against the contentious Retirement Security rule.


Amid mixed economic outlook, RIAs eye guaranteed investment solutions

Research lifts lid on RIAs' use of annuities, growth strategies, and opportunity to take wallet share from banks.


US individual annuities see record-breaking first quarter, says Limra

Latest survey reveals all-time high of $106.7B in Q1 sales, with winning streaks in fixed-rate deferred annuities, FIAs, and RILAs.


Annuity data firm Cannex inks partnership with Luma

The lifetime income research provider’s collaboration brings a new tech platform to empower advisors using annuities.


Louisiana moves to adopt annuity best-interest standard

Associations for life insurers and financial advisors laud the move, renews call for “sensible protections” around guaranteed lifetime income products.


How much of an income edge could retirees get from annuities?

With 'new North Star' metric, TIAA urges new retirees to rethink 4 percent rule and incorporate a lifetime income strategy.


RIA-focused fintech Flourish is living up to its name

The firm has announced a surge in advisors and AUC.


MassMutual and iCapital unveil expanded alts platform

The firms have teamed up to build a centralized tech platform for advisors to access alternatives, structured notes, and annuities.


Want to go RIA with annuities? Here’s where to start

Ditching your legacy annuities when going independent used to be commonplace but there are now more options, says industry insiders.


For retirement-age investors, it’s about keeping their nest eggs safe

Survey of pre-retirees and retirees reveals a major focus on capital protection, with a strong preference for stability and guaranteed income.

  • News
  • April 29, 2024

Jackson spices up RILA suite with new add-on

The leading annuity provider’s new income option allows investors added flexibility in building guaranteed lifetime income.

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  • April 26, 2024

Most workers, retirees have retirement income confidence

New EBRI research sheds fresh light on sentiments around inflation, Social Security benefits, and use of guaranteed income products.

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  • April 25, 2024

US annuities set rapid pace in first quarter

Preliminary Limra results show total sales of $113.5B for individual annuities, rivaling the peak seen in the fourth quarter of 2023.

  • News
  • April 24, 2024

BlackRock unveils its answer to the looming retirement crisis

The world’s largest asset manager has unveiled a new paycheck-for-life solution to support financial security among DC plan participants.