
Asset Allocation

Displaying 166 results


Adviser gets sacked after ripping off her NFL linebacker client

What Jeff's reading today: Jail time for adviser who ripped off her NFL linebacker client, plus: the taper question, 98% chance of a market crash next year, the yen-dollar trade, New Yorkers dodge taxes, and (surprise!) Congress wastes your money.


Advisers making statement by shunning formal investment statements

Ignoring a useful tool for keeping investors on course; wealthier clients do get written plan

  • March 14, 2013

Great rotation? Advisers buying bonds to adjust asset mix

Stock rally as good a time as any to review allocation.


Goldman offers DC plans true alternative with novel fund

Taking a step toward portfolio diversification


Beware the dividend yield trap

Income-seeking investors push valuations to risky levels


There’s gold in them thar fields

Some investors are no longer content to buy shares in gold ETFs. Instead, they're purchasing gold coins and ingots and burying the metal in the ground.

  • January 13, 2013

Vanguard still pro-60/40

Don’t start composing a eulogy for the classic balanced portfolio, The Vanguard Group Inc. warns. Despite the…

  • November 15, 2012

Where Pimco’s Total Return Fund is invested now

Saumil Parikh, a portfolio manager for Pimco's Total Return Fund and a member of the firm's investment committee, on where the world's biggest mutual fund is increasing and lowering exposure.

  • November 8, 2012

Investors see better days ahead — but standing pat now: BlackRock

Fiscal cliff, asset allocation are biggest worries, survey finds

  • November 6, 2012

How to short politicians: Investing when Congress is resting

A strategy for betting against Washington

  • October 30, 2012

Rise in offbeat investments correlated to ‘correlation crisis’

The uncertain economic outlook for at least the next five years — along with “a correlation crisis” —…


Investors seeking alts as stock/bond mix fails to excite

Natixis report says savvy advisers in catbird seat amid search for new approach to asset allocation

  • October 23, 2012

The truth about diversification

Diversification means not putting all your eggs in one basket. But do you own too many eggs?

  • October 19, 2012

Gamma ray: Retirement income security is not all about alpha

Investment performance isn’t everything when considering the amount of income retirees can count on. Rather, making better…


Advisers stick to global-diversification guns despite turmoil

Advisers are still committed to global portfolio diversification — and have a wider variety of financial products from…

  • September 11, 2012

Chart of the day: Diversification and the average investor

The above chart is excerpted from J.P. Morgan Funds’ Guide to the Markets. To view the full guide,…

  • September 11, 2012

A survival guide for today’s new market

Risk is unusually high these days. Investors can either be paralyzed by uncertainty…or seize the long-term opportunities that…


Why we don’t rebalance

For investors, the $1 million question is, “Why don’t all of us rebalance?” Research shows compellingly the long-term…

  • July 11, 2012

Dour Gundlach sees dramatic comeuppance for U.S.

Out-of-control debt will force massive policy changes, including tax hikes and spending cuts; 'we're going to jump the tracks'

  • June 28, 2012

The ‘4% rule’ still works — maybe

Preparing for retirement usually takes decades of saving and investing, but that’s often only half the battle. There…