
At Large

Displaying 6 results


Resolving complaints shouldn’t require acrobatics

Sometimes I wonder how our corporations lead the world. Seriously, are foreign companies even worse at customer service than ours?


Health care plan makes for interesting reading

I like to read important proposed legislation. Actually, I don't so much like it — the text is often mind-numbing — but I make myself do it because I think that it is important.

  • September 8, 2008

Free markets — not so free after all

A long time ago in a distant galaxy —1962 in Sydney, Australia, to be exact — an economics professor assigned an essay on whether the period between 1830 and 1870 was appropriately named the period of laissez faire in Europe.

  • July 28, 2008

CEO compensation reports are illuminating

The issue of CEO compensation has been a hot topic in investor and corporate governance circles for years.

  • April 14, 2008

Value-at-risk models can be misunderstood

I learned recently that I have an incorrect understanding of value-at-risk models, which many banks and Wall Street firms use to measure how much risk they are taking.

  • December 10, 2007

ICI seeks a protected market for mutual funds

Call me cynical, but whenever I see a behemoth mutual fund industry trade association campaigning in the interest of the lowly retail investor, I find it prudent to consider the notion that there might be more to it.