
Barclays Global Investors

Displaying 39 results

  • News
  • October 8, 2019

Barclays offers first zero-fee ETNs

Two exchange-traded notes will track gold and silver futures.

  • News
  • October 8, 2019

Barclays offers first zero-fee ETNs

Two exchange-traded notes will track gold and silver futures.


Robert Shiller shares his thoughts on the 2020 election and the economy

The Nobel Prize winner says the odds of a recession in 2020 are less than 50%.


Adviser duo managing $400 million exit Fieldpoint Private for Treasury Partners

David Zoll and Sarah Pifer join New York firm, which is a unit of HighTower.

  • May 23, 2018

Former Barclays wealth management executive wins $2.7 million arb award from former firm

Thomas W. Lee claimed Barclays shortchanged him after he guided sale of advisory unit to Stifel Financial Corp.

  • News
  • April 11, 2018

Do investors know Barclays is shutting their ETN?

Holders remain in 50 exchange-traded notes the British bank will close Thursday

  • News
  • August 31, 2017

America’s jobs engine keeps defying forecasts for 2017 slowdown

August payrolls may have grown by as much as 200,000


Barclays will refund $97 million to advisory, brokerage clients

Firm agrees to settle three sets of SEC violations concerning overcharges.


Barclays Wealth set to reinvest cash

Barclays Wealth may boost its bullish stance on developed-market stocks by reducing its cash investments as economic growth…


From perplexed, to pioneer

Lee Kranefuss talks about the early days of bringing exchange-traded funds to the masses


BlackRock takes the lead in indexing

Last year's acquisition of Barclays Global Investors pushed BlackRock Inc. to the No. 1 spot in internally managed indexed assets for the 12-month period ended June 30, topping the field with $1.7 trillion, according to Pensions & Investments' annual survey of managers of indexed assets.


Job cuts seen at securities firms

Securities firms around the world will cut as many as 80,000 jobs in the next 18 months as revenue growth begins to slow, said Meredith Whitney, the former Oppenheimer & Co. analyst who famously predicted in 2007 that Citigroup Inc. was undercapitalized.

  • March 15, 2010

Lehman: Barclays took $8.2B more than allowed

Lehman Brothers has accused Barclays Capital of taking $8.2 billion more than it should have when it bought key assets of the failed investment bank a year ago.


Barclays expands its market maker biz in LaBranche deal

Barclays Bank PLC said Tuesday it is expanding its market maker activity on the New York Stock Exchange by acquiring the assignments of LaBranche & Co. Ltd. of New York.


BlackRock wraps up merger with Barclays Global Investors

Investment manager BlackRock Inc. said Tuesday that it has completed its acquisition of Barclays Global Investors, including the purchase of the iShares exchange traded funds business

  • February 16, 2010

Barclays snags former Merrill Lynch wealth management exec

Mitch Cox, the former head of products in Merrill Lynch & Co.'s wealth management group who left the firm several months ago, has joined Barclay's Wealth as its top investment official.

  • February 16, 2010

Barclays backs BlackRock offer for BGI

Barclays said that the transaction would generate around $13 billion — rising to $14.2 billion based on Wednesday's closing price — and had the advantage of allowing the British bank to retain a stake in the business.


Barclays suspends trading on commodity-linked ETN

A second commodity-linked iPath exchange-traded note issued by Barclays Bank PLC – the iPath Dow Jones-UBS Platinum Subindex Total Return Exchange Traded Note (PGM) – stopped trading today due to an “ongoing regulatory review” of such products, the bank said in a statement.


iShares rolls out new emerging-markets ETF

iShares, a unit of Barclays Global Investors, today launched an emerging-markets exchange-traded fund: the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Eastern Europe Index Fund (ESR).

  • November 17, 2009

Pimco jumps into actively managed ETF biz

Pacific Investment Management Co. LLC today launched its first actively managed exchange-traded fund, the second actively managed ETF…