
BlackRock Inc.

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BlackRock CEO Larry Fink expects consolidation among asset managers

He predicts a 'massive shift' into more passive investing, noting that too many investment firms struggle to deliver alpha.


Bond dealers use BlackRock junk-bond ETF as substitute balance sheet

Rather than hold assets that could lose value and would require them to hold extra capital, brokers are instead relying on this fund to be an easy source of bonds when clients want them.


BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says everyone should worry about China debt

Mr. Fink says he is still “bullish” on China in long term


Pay rule may give BlackRock recruiting boost over JPMorgan

U.S. incentive-compensation proposal toughest on large lenders.


BlackRock faces backlash for supporting ‘fat cat CEOs’

Breakfast with Benjamin: The world's largest money manager in the hot seat for being “soft” on high pay for corporate executives.


DOL fiduciary rule trips up robo efforts at BlackRock, Schwab

Plus: Measuring Jim Cramer's performance, personal finance myths, and Social Security misconceptions


BlackRock lures $1 billion to bond ETFs in Japan on negative rates

The firm is flying specialists to Tokyo to pitch the funds to Japanese banks and insurers hurt by negative yields.

  • May 11, 2016

Eying BlackRock and Vanguard, State Street names co-leaders of global ETF business

By promoting Nick Good and Rory Tobin, the bank seeks to improve its asset management business after its ETFs lost ground to the fund giants.


Hardcore bear ETFs poised to swell past bulls as inflows surge

So big have been the inflows that the market capitalization of inverse products is on the verge of eclipsing bullish exchange-traded notes for the first time since 2013.


Does Warren Buffett really love the S&P 500?

If ordinary folks want to mimic the master, the last place they should be parking their funds is the S&P 500.


BlackRock joins Pimco warning investors to seek inflation hedge

BlackRock Inc. joined Pacific Investment Management Co. in recommending inflation-linked bonds and warning costs are poised to pick…

  • April 22, 2016

Post-DOL fiduciary rule, Wall Street gives the nod to low-cost fund companies

Broker-sold fund companies lag since new regulation released.

  • April 19, 2016

BlackRock, GMO forecast single-digit returns for U.S. stocks

High valuations, low interest rates spell lower annual returns of 5% or less; timber seen as best bet


Investors poured $32 billion into bonds in March with Vanguard, BlackRock dominating

The inflow was the most since January 2013, thanks to the market's extreme volatility during 2016's start.


Transamerica teams with BlackRock to offer smart-beta ETFs in variable annuity portfolios

Offerings meant to help counter a trend toward passive index strategies.

  • March 11, 2016

Pimco defends treating dividends, capital gains as new inflows

Many fund companies, such as Fidelity and Vanguard, back out dividends and capital gains from their net flows calculations. So does Morningstar.


Emerging market debt is starting to look like a sweet deal

Breakfast with Benjamin Franklin Templeton and BlackRock are each making the case for a move into emerging market debt.


BlackRock joins $46 billion Japan pullout

This year foreign traders have been pulling out of Tokyo's stock market for 13 straight weeks, the longest stretch since 1998.


Fine-tuning the emerging markets

Fund industry pushes more specialized access, strategies for an eventual turnaround in emerging markets.


Short sellers are licking their chops in this market

Breakfast with Benjamin Short sellers are staking their claims on the downside of the market, as short interest in the S&P 1500 reaches its highest level in three years.