
BlackRock Inc.

Displaying 496 results


European stocks hit six-year high on fifth day of rally

Breakfast with Benjamin: Euro stocks rally but for how long?. Plus: The China risk, big money managers are flush once again, the future of airplane seating, and 21 inspirational yearbook quotes.

  • May 8, 2014

Supreme Court may weigh in on iShares case

ETF investors say BlackRock keeps too much of the proceeds from securities-lending business.

  • May 2, 2014

Yellen takes another stab at offering clarity on Fed policy without jarring the markets

Breakfast with Benjamin: Can Janet Yellen and her Federal Reserve colleagues avoid roiling the markets? Plus: Visa and MasterCard tighten screws on Russian banks, bond ladders get snubbed by a fan of bond barbells, checking the math on alternative-investment performance, and the momentum-stock nosedive is real.


Vanguard beats BlackRock, taking in most ETF money in 1Q

90% of the assets put in ETFs in quarter went to low-cost provider.

  • April 14, 2014

Nuveen Investments rethinks ETFs after pioneering, then abandoning, them

After shutting its exchange-traded fund unit in 2002, Nuveen comes back to the table with a new plan.


Institutional investors moving more cash to diversified strategies

Friday's Breakfast with Benjamin featuring what big investors are doing with their cash. Plus: Bracing for an SEC exam, robo-adviser asset-gathering update, stocks to watch next week, and more ways to spend bitcoin.


Bull market lifts average 401(k) balance above $89K

Breakfast with Benjamin: The average 401(k) balance tops $89K. Plus: Comcast buying Time Warner, Fink likes emerging markets while Buffet shuns Graham Holdings, California drought hits agriculture stocks, and the ultimate smart car.


Dennis Stattman’s 25-year balancing act

Dennis Stattman, manager of BlackRock's global allocation fund, has made advisers look smart and has kept clients happy thanks to 25 years of outperformance.

  • January 22, 2014

BlackRock creates U.S. retirement group led by Chip Castille

He will remain head of the DC business; Bruce Wolfe is COO of new business.


BlackRock puts the brakes on market-moving analyst sentiment reports

Today's Breakfast with Benjamin features BlackRock's settlement with the N.Y. attorney general. Plus: Stock futures looking up, activist hedge funds rock, a look at 4Q earnings, the myth of cybersecurity, retirement mistakes to avoid and the upside of office relationships.


When undervalued stocks are expensive

How to find undervalued stocks in a bull market. Plus, Bitcoin (yes, Bitcoin) gets legit; big investors licking their chops at BofA $8.5B settlement proposal; some good news for Madoff victims; and welcome back cap gain distributions. Curated by InvestmentNews senior columnist Jeff Benjamin.


Regulators to study BlackRock, Fidelity for risk

Plus: Bitcoin is back with a vengeance, what's up with consumer discretionary stocks, how about BP and Tesla's surprising earnings miss. From InvestmentNews senior columnist Jeff Benjamin.

  • October 20, 2013

iShares’ Core ETF strategy doing the trick

A year ago, BlackRock Inc.'s iShares unit launched a series of exchange-traded funds aimed at buy-and-hold investors to…


Volatility in Treasuries falls as heat in D.C. spikes

The world’s biggest investors are finding government bonds becoming safer, not more risky, as the deadline to avoid…

  • October 3, 2013

iShares takes next step to woo retail investors, fend off Vanguard

BlackRock's ETF unit extends its core series to include managed portfolios as it takes another step in its efforts to woo retail investors. And keep Vanguard at bay. Jason Kephart explains.

  • September 22, 2013

Firms seek reworking of money fund reform

Major financial firms are calling on the Securities and Exchange Commission to narrow its money market fund reform…

  • September 22, 2013

Early leaders in liquid alternatives

It may take several more years for the cream-of-the-crop liquid-alternatives managers to emerge, but even in the early…

  • News
  • August 20, 2013

Rivals in, but Vanguard won’t offer junk-bond ETFs

High-yield bond ETFs are wildly popular with investors. So why is it that ETF giant Vanguard steadfastly refuses to offer such funds?

  • August 14, 2013

Where are the fund shareholders’ yachts?

They have more to cheer about than those who own the funds themselves