
Cerulli Associates

Displaying 71 results

  • News
  • January 16, 2024

Over a third of US advisors plan to retire within 10 years

Succession planning is critical, as advisors 55 and older account for 42 percent of head count but 57 percent of assets, Cerulli found.

  • News
  • January 11, 2024

Forget relationships, complex services are top of mind for HNW clients

Advisors say estate planning and tax planning are key areas of interest for such clients.

  • News
  • December 1, 2023

Shut up and take our money, investors say about financial advice

Demand for paid financial advice is at a high level and rising, survey data show.

  • News
  • October 31, 2023

More advisors are making the move to RIA, independent models

Cerulli projects the independent and hybrid RIA channels will control nearly one-third of intermediary asset market share by 2027.

  • News
  • August 29, 2023

Pre-retirees favor advisors with national firm affiliation

Cerulli Associates research reveals how reliance on advisors rises as retirement approaches.


Why ESG is hard to sell to many advisors

The term is used and misused to the extent that it has lost meaning — but it's not going away, and it could be a mistake to ignore it.

  • News
  • June 30, 2023

Staying in-plan: More 401(k)s keep retiree assets but more products needed

Keeping retirees in the plan helps both participants and sponsors save on costs, but many 401(k)s are lacking income options.

  • News
  • June 26, 2023

Not enough rookie advisors to go around, Cerulli says

Financial advisor head count grew by just 2,579 advisors in 2022, while the failure rate among rookie advisors was more than 72%, according to a Cerulli study.


Waning confidence in banks creates opportunity for advisors to manage clients’ cash

Just 59% of households surveyed indicate they're confident about the stability of the banking system, creating a tailwind for fintechs that help advisors offer cash management.


Fund shops focused on ESG despite pushback, reports show

More than half of US asset managers see ESG as a high priority, and many are adding staff to support that.


Wirehouses feeling the chill of autumn in the air

The giant firms face an approaching winter as they become less prominent in the overall advisory business.

  • News
  • April 13, 2023

More sponsors open to keeping retiree assets in-plan, Cerulli says

More than half of 401(k) plan sponsors would prefer to keep retired participants’ assets in their plan rather than having them roll their assets into an IRA or another employer-sponsored plan.

  • News
  • April 7, 2023

Financial advisors ignore succession planning at their own peril

Experts detail the nuances of navigating ownership transition plans, and it's rarely a straightforward and easy path.

  • News
  • March 29, 2023

Wealth advisors have new prospecting tool in SECURE 2.0

The legislation provides new credits and incentives that cover a significant portion of the cost of setting up a retirement plan, while also providing access to new 401(k) solutions.

  • News
  • March 1, 2023

Institutional investors lean into active management, despite trend toward passive

A Cerulli report shows how the so-called smart money is generally increasing exposure to active strategies.


Programs to draw underrepresented groups into investing gain traction

New and expanding programs are crafting on-ramps for traditionally underrepresented investors to the world of private equity and venture capital.

  • News
  • February 9, 2023

Growing demand for diversity investment products

Firms are developing more products focused on equal opportunities and gender issues, Cerulli found.


All eyes on alts

As fixed income weighs down the classic 60/40 portfolio, allocations to alternatives are expected to rise over the next three years.

  • News
  • December 7, 2022

Sustainability-themed funds on the rise

Newer ESG funds are coming to the market, and a greater share are sustainable funds, according to Cerulli.


Implementing direct indexing using sector ETFs

It can be hard to keep direct-index portfolios from 'drifting' from their benchmark index as stocks are swapped in and out.