

Displaying 155 results


Why Ben Bernanke needs to go

The Fed initiated QE3 (last week) by announcing its plan to buy $40 billion per month of agency…

  • September 11, 2012

Why the calm markets are about to get rougher

Brad McMillan, v.p. and chief investment officer for Commonwealth Financial Network, says that the calm markets in August…


Peter Schiff: Why we need a return to the gold standard

As it is now being considered, the [Republican] platform stops short of recommending a return to the gold standard, but does advocate a commission to consider the possibility.


Jeffrey Saut: Bulls are still in control

The following is an excerpt from the commentary of Jeffrey Saut, chief investment strategist and managing director of…


Chuck Royce: Why investors should not shun equities

Another dismal summer has dawned with spring having brought a wave of worries back to the market for…

  • August 14, 2012

Commonwealth: External factors most impacting U.S. slowdown

In his August market report, Brad McMillan, chief investment officer for Commonwealth Financial Network LLP, says that the…


Why the worst days may be over for U.S. Economy

U.S. stocks staged a sharp rally on Friday after the July payroll report indicated the U.S. added 163,000…

  • July 24, 2012

The modern economic and political cycle: Wash, rinse, repeat

The global financial markets and economy have been unable to return to steady growth following the financial crisis that began in 2008. This has not been without occasional bouts of optimism, where momentum builds as market participants embrace a growing expectation of reaching a critical escape velocity. However, these sentimental boosts have been fleeting. While each round has been distinct, it is worthwhile to note that the cycles are eerily similar.


Peter Schiff: The real fiscal cliff

The media is now fixated on an apparently new feature dominating the economic landscape: a “fiscal cliff” from…


How Spain has already won the Euro 2012

Spain secured a big win this weekend. While the defending champions in the Euro 2012 soccer tournament were…


Strategist: Obama’s muni bond tax plans will devalue portfolios

A particular saying I used to hear around the office of my first job was, “let’s throw it…

  • March 6, 2012

Investment management in an age of permanent volatility

As we start a new year, many are asking what the events of 2011 mean for investors in…


After the fall: Lessons of the year past

If there is one lesson that financial advisers and their clients have learned since the financial world cratered in mid-September 2008, it is that black swans can be as numerous and messy as Canada geese.


“Roth revolution” just around the corner, adviser predicts

The elimination of the income limit on Roth IRA conversions starting next year could lead to a “Roth revolution,” according to David Polstra, a partner at the advisory firm Brightworth Private Wealth Counsel.

  • September 15, 2009

Fed’s steps to aid banking system raise risks, too

The Federal Reserve's bold steps to prevent the banking industry from collapsing last year have injected new dangers into the financial system.