

Displaying 163 results


Face-to-face fades away

The shift to virtual may have been messy, but new ways of working and communicating have become the norm

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  • August 6, 2020

Clients appreciate phone calls now more than ever: Survey

Advisers who made calls during the COVID-19 crisis have more satisfied clients than those who sent form emails

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  • August 6, 2020

Tough sledding for equity funds in COVID-19’s wake: Cerulli

The forecast has stock funds losing share to bonds and money market funds over the next five years

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  • July 30, 2020

Student loans get cheaper, but college is a big question amid COVID-19

Interest rates are down, and many schools are reducing tuition, but college will look very different this fall

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  • July 30, 2020

Indie advisers easier to recruit during COVID-19 than employees: Raymond James CEO

Independent contractors are better set up for a transition, says Chief Executive Paul Reilly

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  • July 23, 2020

Gold’s 24% run attracts the attention of younger investors

The precious metal is uniquely suited to hedge the disruptions of 2020

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  • July 16, 2020

401(k) sales will continue to fall: Survey

Record keepers expect figures in the third quarter to be down 22% from a year earlier, according to a report from the Secure Retirement Institute


COVID-19 puts alternatives back in the mainstream

The new normal is reigniting conversations around the potential for alternative investments to add diversity and hedge risk


A tale of two PPP loans

Small broker-dealers lined up for the free cash — but did all of them use it as intended?


COVID-19 tamps down pace of RIA consolidation

Deal activity is expected to pick up steam in the second half of the year

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  • June 30, 2020

401(k) trading didn’t hurt returns for participants in Q1: Report

Most people who shifted allocations in their retirement plans were more sophisticated investors, according to research published by NBER

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  • June 23, 2020

Fidelity research shows COVID-19 steering advisers toward technology

The research points to a 50% increase in digital marketing strategies since pandemic hit

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  • June 22, 2020

Investment firms reopening, with most planning for September

Most offices will reopen in the coming months, despite a projected increase in COVID-19 rates


Panic selling gives way to fear of missing out

Experts debate the effects of the stimulus spending and Fed rescue efforts on the future of the economy


Advisers must focus on health and empathy in the new normal

Clients are looking for advice on total health and well-being in a post COVID-19 world


Upholding the spirit of new legislation

Lawmakers have stepped in to provide relief to millions of Americans, but the laws come with unforeseen loopholes


Advisers are taking PPP loans for future needs as uncertainty lingers

Sixty-one percent said they anticipate financial difficulties in the coming months


The lockdown has been good for automated advice

Technology has played a vital role during the pandemic and will become instrumental for the advice industry moving forward


Morningstar opts for virtual annual conference

The annual June gathering in Chicago moves to September in a digital format


Virtual Attraction

There is no doubt recruiting has slowed as the financial advice industry deals with broad changes caused by the coronavirus. Can broker-dealers still recruit reps and advisers, even during a pandemic?