
Financial Services Institute Inc. (FSI)

Displaying 237 results


Investors Capital will subsidize FSI memberships for its advisers

The Financial Services Institute, the lobbying organization for independent broker-dealers, said Friday that it had picked up the support of advisers this week from sizable independent broker-dealer Investors Capital Corp.


Voter backlash could preserve indie reps’ employment status

Independent representatives and broker-dealers gained allies in the House leadership who will work with them to maintain their reps' status as independent contractors


Finra plan to increase power draws ire

Brokerage firms are howling over a far-reaching proposal that would give Finra substantially more power.


Small B-Ds decry Hill audit proposal

Smaller broker-dealers are worried that a sweeping congressional proposal aimed at preventing fraud through comprehensive audits of brokerage firms could put them out of business.


FSI supports self-regulator for advisers

The Financial Services Institute Inc. is now clamoring for a self-regulatory organization to oversee investment advisers.


FSI elects new chairwoman from small indy B-D

The Financial Services Institute today said that its board has named Mari Buechner — president and CEO of Coordinated Capital Securities Inc. — its chairman for 2010.


FSI calls for a self-regulator for investment advisers

But the Financial Services Institute Inc. isn't suggesting it should be Finra just yet


Finra’s proposed fee hike draws ire of FSI, SIFMA

Two major industry organizations are pushing against Finra's proposed fee increase for advisers and broker-dealers.


The latest threat to independent advisers

History is rife with examples of adverse, unintended consequences resulting from well-intentioned lawmaking acting in the face of a crisis.


The indie channel’s future

Considering the economy, the state of the stock market and the public's perception of Wall Street, the immediate outlook for the independent-brokerage business — like most financial services businesses — is anything but glowing.

  • March 25, 2009

FSI cheers preservation of 12(b)-1 rule

A decision by the Securities and Exchange Commission not to repeal or modify the 12(b)-1 rule, which allows some mutual funds charge to pass on promotion, distributions and marketing expenses to the customer, was applauded today by the Financial Services Institute Inc. of Atlanta.

  • January 29, 2009

Indy B-Ds to Schapiro: Talk to us

Executives with independent broker-dealers are keen to give counsel to new SEC head Mary Schapiro.

  • January 29, 2009

Rumors fly over who’ll be next Finra CEO

Industry insiders are speculating about the next chief executive of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc., and names are beginning to surface.

  • January 29, 2009

Madoff scandal puts reps on the hot seat

Investment advisers and registered reps are “extremely angry over the Bernie Madoff situation,” said Dale Brown, president and CEO of the Financial Services Institute Inc., which represents independent broker-dealers and reps.

  • January 12, 2009

Eric Schwartz elected chairman of FSI board

The Financial Services Institute Inc.’s board today unanimously elected Eric Schwartz chairman for 2009.

  • February 1, 2008

FSI adds almost 8,000 members in ’07

The Financial Services Institute claimed 12,600 active Financial Advisor members at the end of 2007.

  • January 2, 2008

Brian Murphy tapped as FSI chairman

Mr. Murphy, the chairman of Woodbury Financial Services, takes over for John Simmers, chief of ING Advisors Network Inc.