
Individual Retirement Accounts

Displaying 55 results

  • News
  • August 18, 2020

One PEP for all clients: Retirement Income Summit day four

The Secure Act provides numerous opportunities for advisers, and annuities are part of that, panelists said

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  • August 11, 2020

Retirement account balances bounce back in Q2

The rise reflects the stock market's rebound and investors' continued contributions to their accounts, according to a Fidelity report

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  • August 10, 2020

Maine legislators on brink of voting for state IRAs

A state Senate committee recommends passing the pending bill


RMD relief is here — but only until Aug. 31

Act now to return unneeded required minimum distributions taken prior to the CARES Act


‘Lost and found’ 401(k) bill is good for the advice industry

While not exactly novel, the legislation is a sound first step toward getting Main Street investors the tools they need

  • News
  • June 24, 2020

IRS widens eligibility to undo RMDs

Those who took required minimum distributions in January are allowed to undo them, and the timeframe for doing so extends through Aug. 31


IRS provides expanded tax breaks for coronavirus-related distributions

The guidance allows more people to withdraw funds penalty-free from their retirement savings


Roth conversions pick up amid expectations that taxes will rise

The stock market declines helped by shrinking the value of accounts, as well as the tax bill for converting assets


SECURE Act creates wrinkle for annuities in inherited IRAs

The end of the stretch provision requires that accounts be distributed within 10 years after the owner’s death


The ABCs of coronavirus-related distributions

Who qualifies to pull money penalty-free from IRAs and company retirement plans under the relief provided by the CARES Act

  • News
  • April 28, 2020

Catch-up contributions being weighed in Congress

A recent bill proposes tripling 401(k) and IRA limits this year

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  • April 25, 2020

Undoing unwanted RMDs

Ed Slott discusses whether clients who already took required minimum distributions this year can put that money back in light of the CARES Act

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  • April 23, 2020

Dispelling CARES Act confusion

Ed Slott clears up questions about how the CARES Act will affect required minimum distributions


Stimulus package has helpful provisions for retirees

One-time rebate checks, relaxed rules on required minimum distributions and changes in tax filing deadlines are all pluses

  • News
  • March 27, 2020

Coronavirus stimulus package passes House, gets mixed adviser reviews

The $2.2 trillion bill will boost unemployment benefits and small-business loans, but some advisers said that might not be enough

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  • March 25, 2020

Senate coronavirus stimulus bill waives RMDs this year

The final measure also makes it easier to withdraw funds from retirement accounts in an emergency

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  • March 23, 2020

Recession would slow state auto-IRAs, MEPs

Programs will remain viable but will take longer to build assets as gig workers and small businesses struggle to stay afloat, leaders said

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  • March 20, 2020

Senate coronavirus package would allow hardship early access to retirement accounts

Financial industry also pushes for temporary waiver on required minimum distributions


Delay in 2019 tax filing date means deadline for 2019 IRA contributions also extended

Advisers need to watch for administrative errors on the part of financial institutions, though

  • News
  • March 18, 2020

Roth conversions ‘on sale’ and other retirement advice amid the market crash

People near retirement are the most at risk from the sell-off, and advisers have several recommendations for them