

Displaying 245 results

  • March 7, 2011

Who’s afraid of inflation wolf? Investors plow into 10-year Treasuries

Uncle Sam's most recent offering of medium-term notes draws surprising interest; 4% yield seen as possible


Hedging TIPS inflation bets

Investors flocking to Treasury inflation-protected securities may be in for a rude awakening when interest rates start to rise

  • February 24, 2011

Crisis in Libya pushes oil over $100 mark

Price of a barrel of crude tops century line for first time since Oct. 2008

  • February 22, 2011

Bernanke bets commodities won’t fan inflation concern

Investors are betting with Ben S. Bernanke that surging food and energy prices won't accelerate U.S. inflation, allowing him to maintain easy money.


Inflation set to puncture bond portfolios, warns FPA’s Atteberry

Rising prices on the march, says fixed-income fund manager; 'worst thing that can happen' for debt investors

  • February 15, 2011

Sure sign of inflation? Buffett’s latest maneuver

Berkshire's $1.5B debt offering helps company replace floating-rate notes with fixed-rates


The 2011 Outlook

Financial advisers are upbeat about prospects for stocks in 2011, with many predicting that last year's broad market surge will continue into this year. That's what they're telling their clients, too.

  • November 3, 2010

Bernanke warns of low inflation

The following are remarks delivered by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke at the Revisiting Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment Conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston on Oct. 15

  • October 19, 2010

Historic first: Treasury sells debt with negative yield

The Treasury sold $10 billion of five-year Treasury Inflation Protected Securities at a negative yield for the first time in the history of U.S. debt.


Loomis Sayles rolls out all-weather real return fund

Loomis Sayles & Co. has launched a multisector bond fund aimed at advisers who want a way to protect their clients against inflation, deflation and stagflation.


A little deflation might not be so bad for market after all

Some analysts say that deflation's bad rap might be undeserved.


To hedge against inflation, wealthy stock up on hard assets

Although it is debatable whether inflation will become a problem for the U.S. economy, wealthy investors aren't taking any chances and are piling into tangible assets.


Soros blames Germany for ‘endangering’ euro

Famed hedge fund manager claims country's budget austerity could trigger deflationary spiral in Europe


Inflation vs. the Bear: Which is worse for retired investors?

At first blush, it seems as though a bear market would be the biggest threat to your clients' retirement income security.

  • June 11, 2010

Rob Arnott: Severe inflation could be ‘crippling’

Research Affiliates' Rob Arnott, who addressed several hundred advisers at the Retirement Income Summit in Chicago earlier this month, tells Morningstar's Christine Benz that investors need to ratchet down their return expectations — and, when they become cheaper, increase exposure to inflation-protected assets.


Emerging market inflation: Brace for turbulence

History shows that when the governments grow desperate to finance deficits, they get creative.


Feds tweak data to keep inflation low, hurting seniors and investors, critics say

The government is manipulating the Consumer Price Index in an attempt to keep inflation low and save money, and that has major implications for retirees and some investors, several statisticians who analyze government data say.


Why the CPI reflects ‘massive shell game’

Investors in Treasury inflation-protected securities should be aware the “government is playing games with the CPI numbers” in an attempt to keep inflation low, said Robert Arnott, chairman of Research Affiliates LLC.

  • January 22, 2010

Why the CPI is a ‘massive shell game’

Investors in Treasury inflation-protected securities should be aware the “government is playing games with the CPI numbers” in an attempt to keep inflation low, said Robert Arnott, chairman of Research Affiliates LLC.


A trillion just not what it used to be

Friends, clients and business associates of hedge fund manager Jonathan Hoenig received a generous gift along with their annual holiday card this season: as much as $100 trillion.