
Internal Revenue Service

Displaying 42 results

  • News
  • June 18, 2024

IRS takes aim at wealthy individuals who use tax-avoiding partnerships

The agency has announced new investment in compliance and enforcement capabilities.


House GOP spending bill is a wish list of deregulation

The appropriations bill has numerous riders designed to stop the SEC's climate rule, Consolidated Audit Trail, and other regulations.


More taxpayers to file tax returns for free as IRS makes Direct File permanent

Eligibility is expected to be expanded for the 2025 filing season.

  • News
  • April 25, 2024

IRS wants to streamline tax disputes with new focus on alternative programs

Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Management Office formed.

  • News
  • March 26, 2024

IRS sitting on $1B that should be in 940,000 Americans’ bank accounts

And the refunds may be missed forever if an upcoming deadline is missed.

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  • October 21, 2022

Inflation adjustment boosts IRS standard deduction, lifting take-home pay

Decades-high inflation prompted an unusually big tweak for 2023, and as a result, employees can expect to see less tax withheld from paychecks as soon as January.

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  • October 19, 2022

IRS gives more clarity on how to report digital assets

In the 2022 tax form draft instructions, the agency explicitly says that digital assets include NFTs and virtual currencies.

  • News
  • August 12, 2022

Advisers prepare clients for audits as stronger IRS enforcement looms

The Inflation Reduction Act will boost the agency's funding by $80 billion over 10 years to strengthen its enforcement and compliance efforts.


Trouble with the IRS? Let an ERPA guide you

A second-generation enrolled retirement plan agent explains how he helps companies smooth out plan problems with the IRS.


Stretch IRAs still exist for some beneficiaries

Although the SECURE Act eliminated stretch IRAs for most beneficiaries, replacing them with the 10-year post-death payout rule, some beneficiaries can still use a stretch IRA.


New rules make IRAs less useful for transferring wealth: Ed Slott

Doing a Roth conversion is one way to avoid a tax hit later, Slott said, and life insurance is another, often-overlooked tool.


Your RMD questions answered

New (and confusing) IRS rules about required minimum distributions raise new questions for advisers.

  • News
  • April 7, 2022

Made a killing in crypto? Your tax bill is coming due

Digital tokens like Bitcoin and Ethereum are classified as property by the Internal Revenue Service and taxed like stocks and bonds.

  • News
  • February 24, 2022

IRS proposal aligns RMD rules with SECURE Act

The measure clarifies how the prohibition on 'stretch' IRAs should be applied and provides details on implementing the rise in the RMD age to 72.

  • News
  • January 11, 2022

Ahead of tax season, Treasury says be ready for frustration

Many of the processing delays and customer service shortages that have plagued the IRS for years will persist this year, Treasury officials warn.

  • News
  • November 19, 2021

Ultra-rich skip estate tax, sparking 50% drop in IRS revenue

Just 1,275 wealthy families paid $9.3 billion in estate tax last year, while as recently as 2018, the IRS had collected more than $20 billion from nearly 5,500 families.


Assessing the tax implications of Bitcoin

The IRS has clearly communicated that cryptocurrency assets are taxed when they are traded, but this is news to many of the investors who own cryptocurrencies.


IRS says RMD rules are coming ‘soon’

An IRS official tells a bar association gathering that the arrival of proposed regulations covering the SECURE Act's required minimum distribution provisions will be 'later than imminent but before eventually.'


Biden tax plan forecast to bring in $3.6T in decade

The biggest surprise in Biden’s tax proposal is that it assumes an increase in the capital gains rate would be retroactive to April 2021, which would prevent wealthy people from selling off their assets quickly to avoid the hike.


IRS clarifies the 10-year rule, but with added confusion

The agency released a revised version of its publication covering rules on inherited IRAs that confirms there are no RMDs required during the 10 years. But the publication raises another question.