
Investment Strategies

Displaying 323 results


Maximizing the election-year boost

Especially during these times of economic uncertainty, being able to predict the future with 85% accuracy is a…

  • April 10, 2012

Dancing to market’s tune hard for tactical managers

In the aftermath of the financial crisis firestorm, which ravaged the portfolios of buy-and-hold investors, dozens of new…


Why housing deserves another look

As the housing market starts to recover, advisers and investors might want to reconsider portfolio allocations.

  • March 6, 2012

Investment management in an age of permanent volatility

As we start a new year, many are asking what the events of 2011 mean for investors in…

  • February 28, 2012

When BB-rated bonds are king

Today's historically low interest rates leave bond investors facing a dilemma. A pickup in the economy could cause…

  • February 8, 2012

Using ETFs to ‘reset’ bond portfolios

When I began my career in bond asset management, electronic-inventory systems were still in their infancy, so one of my tasks as a junior professional was to monitor the fax machine for the daily broker-generated lists of available offerings.

  • February 5, 2012

Past performance may be a harbinger for future, after all

Despite decades of statements to the contrary, it turns out that past performance actually is a pretty good…

  • January 30, 2012

Picking bonds harder, customization easier

Buying individual bonds for client porfolios used to be easier.The two big factors to consider — duration and…

  • January 25, 2012

U.S. markets prove resilient in 2011

As investors say goodbye to a year that will be remembered for its volatility as much as anything else, one of the most battered, bruised and, yes, volatile markets has quietly reclaimed its spot as the world's best performer.


Gold’s allure dimming as deflation fears grow

Dominick Paoloni had seen enough. Last week, as the euro flirted with its lowest price against the…


Fundamentals press on despite risks

At times like these, when the two primary — and, arguably, only — drivers of equity market performance are acting in opposition, it is critical to understand the hierarchy of influence.


It’s back to the future for tech sector

Growth investors would be well-served to revisit challenges faced by the technology sector before its boom years of the 1990s


How to invest in your strengths

Marcus Buckingham, who co-wrote the seminal management book on leadership “Now, Discover your Strength” (Free Press, 2001), recently asked financial advisers who attended the Investment Management Consultants Association's annual conference to imagine what it would be like if their practices were built around the adviser's strengths

  • October 16, 2011

‘Buy-and-hope’ is not good enough

Financial advisers consistently tell us that managing portfolio risk is one of the biggest challenges they face

  • October 5, 2011

It’s time to brace for higher taxes

The two major certainties in life have always been death and taxes, but modern medicine has managed to…


Fund investors throw in towel

Mutual fund investors are running for cover


Time to run from small-caps? Nope

To understand the dynamics of small caps more completely, it is worthwhile for investors to consider valuations and recent price gains within a comprehensive fundamental context

  • August 31, 2011

Designing an alternative strategy

As more financial advisers offer liquid alternative-investment solutions such as open-end mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, the two…


Liquid investments are an emerging trend

As concerns over inflation and the fiscal deficit continue to mount, the market has entered a roller-coaster period of opportunities and pitfalls


Increasing-dividend stocks are timely

With growth slowing, interest rates persistently low, inflation on the rise, many companies flush with cash, the economic recovery cycle in its later stages and the tax treatment of dividends still favorable, a strategy focusing on stocks with the potential of increasing dividends may be particularly timely for investors