
Investment Strategies

Displaying 323 results


Don’t forget appreciated securities

Although it is widely underused, donating appreciated securities is perhaps the most straightforward and tax-smart way to give


Advisers should think twice about structured products

They can help draw skittish clients off the sidelines, but they also carry risks


Are alternative funds a core holding?

A recent trend in the investment management industry is the adaptation of alternative-investment strategies to mutual funds. As of June 30, Morningstar Inc. classified 136 funds as “alternative mutual funds,” with total assets of $47 billion


Rethinking risk in financial planning

With limiting risk still on the minds of most investors in the aftermath of the financial crisis, financial advisers should make risk management a top priority with clients


Why staying the course no longer works

Mainstream investment philosophy directs us to invest assets in the financial markets while mitigating risk through prudent diversification


Fool’s gold: 5 reasons not to follow the herd

After last week's media frenzy, it is hard to blame investors for not coming down with a case of gold fever.

  • October 4, 2010

Real-world metrics offer clues to economy

As lucky as my wife is to have me — and she will admit it if pressed — she also will admit (often when not pressed) that I can be a trial.

  • September 28, 2010

Marriage lessons from the celebrity side

The captivating news from England today isn't about Gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister.


Behavioral economics and your portfolio

Harvard Business School used to put 800 first-year MBA students through a tank warfare game.


Don’t overlook shareholder letters

Investors usually pore over the pages of financial data provided by companies in their annual shareholder reports, but they often skim the “letter to shareholders” at the beginning.


Bond ladders for inflation and deflation

Financial advisers recently surveyed about fixed-income allocations indicated a continuing strong preference for municipal and corporate bonds.

  • July 28, 2010

Is this the start of a lost decade for bonds?

As industry statistics continue to show that investors are favoring fixed-income funds over equity funds by a 3-1…


Finding value in the ARS wreckage

Many investors are all too familiar with auction-rate preferred securities.


Find a theme before picking stocks

Investments ebb and flow like ocean tides.

  • July 11, 2010

Don’t push Big Pharma off a cliff just yet

It has been described as both a cliff and a wave, but whatever you call the fact that…


Time right for clean tech, renewable energy

History, we have come to learn, is a wonderful guide. Pay attention to past errors, and the likelihood that they will be repeated is dramatically reduced.


A ‘mechanical’ approach to merger arbitrage

There has been a significant increase in merger-related activity as the equity markets have recovered worldwide.


It isn’t too late to buy health care stocks

As investors re-evaluate their stock portfolios and look to make sense of the new health care reform legislation, a big question now is whether health care stocks are still worth buying.


Risk appetite is shaped by experience

We have been counseling individuals and families for more than 25 years, and it has always been interesting to see how people narrowly apply the common wisdom that a person's age is the rule of asset allocation between stocks and bonds.


Before investing in hedge funds, investigate

If the past few years have taught investors anything, the lesson is clearly: “Buyer, beware.”