
Just Thinking

Displaying 220 results


Three cheers for two brave judges

Richard J. Holwell and Jed Rakoff, U.S. District Court judges for the Southern District of New York, deserve our praise.

  • October 16, 2011

Great pay for terrible performance

Corporate America, which continues to reward failure among its chief executives, needs a serious kick in the pants


Facing facts about picking stocks

If you want to know whether the stock you are thinking about buying for your client is a good deal, look at the face of the company's chief executive

  • September 11, 2011

A very worthwhile conversation

At last year's InvestmentNews Retirement Summit, Lazetta Rainey Braxton approached me and asked if I had a few minutes to chat


Advisers need to practice what they preach

My buddy Frankie Sorrentino earned his living as a general contractor and licensed electrician. He was serious about…


Have you seen those commercials about CFPs?

Over the past few years, I have used this space to advocate for a national advertising program to make the public aware of its need for professional financial advice

  • August 16, 2011

How advisers are calming clients

My financial adviser called me last week to make sure that my pulse wasn't racing. I told him that I honestly wasn't panicked about the slowing U.S. economy, escalating debt problems threatening Europe and the prospect that the markets would repeat their 2008 collapse.


Don’t blame the media messenger

A financial adviser suggested that one of his satisfied clients buy a high-quality mutual fund


The social-media ball needs to be moved forward

Advisers need more concrete guidance from regulators on what they can -- and can't -- do in the virtual world


Let’s call insider trading what it is — a crime

Recent article claiming insider trading doesn't hurt the markets — and may help them — is a bunch of hooey

  • June 26, 2011

<i>IN’s</i> Pavia: Advisers, don’t kill the media messenger

InvestmentNews reporters don't make up the news, they just report it

  • June 24, 2011

Thanks, Dad, from your older and wiser son

Next Sunday is Father's Day, and I plan to lie in a hammock in my backyard, smoke an expensive cigar, drink a few cold beers and read The New York Times.


Retirement planning: Someday is not a day of the week

Retirement planning is serious business, but a great deal of research has shown that Americans aren't dealing with it seriously. When it comes to retirement planning, we are a nation of procrastinators.


Have you seen those commercials about CFPs?

Naysayers aside, the CFP's TV ad campaign, part of a new national public-awareness effort, is just the message the retirement-nervous need to see right now.

  • May 29, 2011

The social-media ball needs to be moved forward

Now that Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC has become the first major wealth manager to allow its brokers to use Twitter — albeit in a limited way — it's clear that financial services firms are not waiting idly for regulators to provide guidance on social media


Let’s call insider trading what it is: a crime

Some pundits would have you believe that insider trading is a victimless crime or perhaps not a crime at all


Someday is not a day of the week

What parent hasn't had the leisure of a late Sunday afternoon interrupted by a child's sudden plea for help with a project or paper due first thing Monday morning?


Advisers stuck in neutral as regulators ponder social media

Imagine hearing about an amazing vacation spot from a friend, who insists that you go there to discover firsthand just how great it is


A hard day’s night for my adviser

My trusted adviser did his due diligence


Don’t rule out a suggestion box for clients

My friend Jimmy owes a great deal of his newfound success in the restaurant business to, of all things, a suggestion box