
Just Thinking

Displaying 220 results


SEC must stand ground on Goldman Sachs case

Goldman Sachs, which has been accused of civil fraud over its dealings in subprime mortgages, is apparently looking to play “Let's Make a Deal” with the SEC to reduce the charge before any settlement is reached.


IN’s Pavia: SEC needs to stand firm in Goldman case

Goldman Sachs, which has been accused of civil fraud over its dealings in subprime mortgages, is apparently looking to play “Let's Make a Deal” with the SEC to reduce the charge before any settlement is reached. The Securities and Exchange Commission needs to stand its ground

  • May 30, 2010

Science proves it: Happiness begins at 50

I have some wonderful news for financial advisers who are dealing with anxious, stressed-out clients.


Plenty of takeaways at Retirement Income Summit

When he was mayor of New York, Ed Koch often would ask constituents, “How am I doing?”


IN’s Pavia: Congress must stay focused on financial reform

Something fishy? The recent uproar over the SEC staff's Internet viewing habits seems like a red herring


Ground-level proof economic recovery is in full swing

I am in the same camp as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.


The great Easter hedge fund blowup

Amid loud and enthusiastic conversations about sports, politics and our favorite television shows, my extended family was feasting on a wonderful Easter meal prepared by my sister.


It’s time to shed some light on 12(b)-1 fees

Clients should be armed with as much data as possible when making investment decisions


Opinion: Proof the recovery is in full swing

I am in the same camp as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. I know that the economic recovery is in full swing, because I've confirmed it with Mike, a deli owner around the corner from my office, John, a neighborhood restaurateur, Ammar, my cigar shop proprietor, and Gus, my family's shoe repairman.


Hedge fund manager made $4B last year. And he deserved it

Appaloosa Management's David Tepper got a whopping $4B payout last year. And he deserved it.

  • March 14, 2010

The new and improved

Financial advisers know that success never comes to those who stand still. The same can be said here…


Put teeth into pay-for-performance

Many corporate executives uphold a fiduciary management standard, putting shareholders and their employees — and the long-term health of the company itself — ahead of their own interests.


SEC’s left hand doesn’t know what its right hand is doing

SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro must be dealing with some restless nights lately, because she is overseeing an agency that appears to be asleep at the switch.


A tale of taxes – and superior service

I would like to share a story about great client service from a financial adviser.


A spot of green in a gray environment

If you are feeling depressed about politics, taxes or the stock market, take heart — your own future as a financial adviser is secure.


Advisers need flexible social-media guidelines

Here is a brain teaser for you: How should compliance rules apply to financial advice professionals who use popular social-media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter?


IN’s Pavia: What’s on your radar?

Conversations with attendees at the Retirement Income Summit reveal some surprises


Don Pitti was an industry pioneer – and a generous friend

When my wife passed away, a good friend offered his condolences and said that the world was a…


This time, will the SEC get its man?

The SEC has snagged a big fish, but it remains to be seen if the securities cops and…


Time for Benmosche to pack it up and go home

Robert Benmosche, who perhaps underestimated the challenge before him when he answered the call last August to become the chief executive of government-controlled AIG, should do everyone a favor and call it quits before he has another temper tantrum.